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Gas Prices

Gas prices have conveniently come down .50 cents right before the election. That's odd? Not really when you realize Obama has made a deal with oil producing countries to help bolster his failed approval ratings. Some say it's because the value of the dollar is up. Others claim we are seeing the difference between winter and summer blends.

Rubbish!! It all comes from the same sand box in my opinion. I don't even see much difference between premium and the cheap stuff except in my wallet. And if the dollar is up, then why did I just spend $253.00 at the grocery store for one stinking cart? I'm not buying porterhouse over here either.

Well we shall see what will become of gas prices after the election when the Republicans gain control. I'm guessing the Arabs will jack the price sky high to make Romney look bad.

In the mean time, what do you make of this? I've always said God put certain things on this planet in over abundance for a reason, things like air, soil and water. Finally someone has decided to pick up on that.

But let’s just hope we don't all suffocate. I imagine it takes a lot of air to produce 2,000 lbs of petrol per day.

British engineers create gasoline from thin air

  • Personally I think the gas prices are held at a higher rate to push a secondary agenda… That agenda being “Green Energy” At around $4.00 a gallon Green Energy can compete with Fossil Fuels nearly dollar for dollar….
    The drop in fuel costs in 2008 prove to me that the price of gas is manipulated. How else can they explain a drop of $1.00 in 08…? The price was held high to stimulate growth in other sectors of business… particularly in “Green Energy” anyone know who’s campaign supports “Green Energy”?

    Sure green energy also plays a major role when Obama, Al gore and Michael Moore are invested in wind and solar. They would like nothing better but to see high gas prices when they stand to make a fortune in green energy. But it’s not ready for prime time...too expensive.

    As for 2008 gas prices, that was simple Supply and Demand. Bush opened up the oil reserves towards the end of his second term. That is what helped lower gas prices back then.

    At first Obama also pushed for opening the reserves in 2008 but then quickly came to a close on the issue opting for green energy investments. And now Obama has cut off drilling permits and placed moratoriums on big oil companies.
  • If Obama wins “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, your utility bills will necessarily skyrocket” his words and Energy Czar Secretary Steven Chu “American gas prices should rise to European levels to spur clean-energy development.” But because Obama is getting hammered at the polls over high gas prices Chu stepped up to swallow his words. So he’s a flip-flopping, back peddling, double speak, lying bureaucrat just like Obama trying to garner more votes. Expect the price to shoot right back up after the election.


    Under a Romney Presidency, the price of gas may come down a little and level off when Romney lifts the moratoriums and regulations off deep water drilling in the Gulf and reduces taxes on refineries. Backing off the EPA would be a tremendous help.

    As you know when Bush and Obama both opened the oil reserves it gave us some relief at the pump. Romney plans to do that permanently with increased oil production here at home.


    When Romney wins the oil barons in the Middle East will jack the price just to make Romney look bad because their boy Obozo didn’t win. Increasing the supply here in America and trying to get off cheap oil in the Middle East will have little to no effect as long as Europeans continue to cough up $6-7 per gallon. Who do you think American oil men are going to sell to? Europe for more money of course! So the supply and demand theory goes into the crapper. They will keep the price just high enough so Americans don’t buy it all up low and this will allow them to keep selling for more across the pond.

    It’s just business and if you still want OIL and GASOLINE then there is nothing you can do about it outside of a global world war.
  • .50 cents means nothing gas was 1.81 when he took office. They blamed Bush for causing high gas prices. But when they are high under Obama he remains blameless. Which goes with a do nothing, make nothing happen President like Obama.
  • .50 cents means nothing gas was 1.81 when he took office. They blamed Bush for causing high gas prices. But when they are high under Obama he remains blameless. Which goes with a do nothing, make nothing happen President like Obama.

    AMEN Brother Ken. Hey that rhymes. Obama said the prices were down when he took office because "The economy was on the verge of collapse." ???? Oh, OK so I'm thinking with that logic as the economy has gotten better (so he says) the gas prices have gotten worse. Make sense, yeah I suppose it does to a liberal with a shrill up their leg every time the man speaks. He is the liberal EF Hutton and when he speaks they listen.

    As with any liberal logic, don’t even try to figure it out.

  • I'm bringing another post back from being dead for almost 9 years. What's gas prices where you are at? I paid $3.59 for 93 octane this morning for the motorcycle. I don't know what diesel is. I just fill the truck up, pay, and try to forget about it.
  • It's $3.19 for unleaded in my area. I don't even want to see what the other fuel prices are.
  • About a year ago I really believed it could drop below $1.00 in DFW. Now I have seen it as high as $3.00 in Texas. Thanks Biden.
  • I drove from Panama City FL back to basically Louisville KY on Sunday. For regular the lowest I saw was $2.76 in BFE Alabama. Highest was $3.28 in my good ole home state of Indiana.

    If getting married to yer cousin is all it takes to lower gas prices then sign me up.
  • Most stations in the area are $3.12 to $3.20 per gallon. I read back in the beginning of July that gas was to climb in August and may get near 2008 prices and I surely hope not. One of the benefits of the job change was that my daily drive was cut in half