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What' screwy about your company?

No matter how good any QA lab is, there is always something that makes you scratch your head, and ask, "why on earth do they do that?" As an example, let me discuss my company: We have 3 CMM's, nothing too elaborate, but we have 2 small ones, and one medium one. Between the 3 machines, we probably have 3 dozen Renishaw TP20 units, all with styli, prepared and ready to use. Each has DMIS 2011 or 2012, and we also have another programming seat, so obviously, they aren't cheapskates.

And yet......we don't have a comparator, or even a TESA-HITE, either. Any time I need to do a first piece inspection on a part that I don't have a program for, I either have to take one machine away from it's already overbooked schedule, and use it like a Checkmaster. Either that, or spend a couple of hours doing it "old school", with pins, blocks, sine bar, and Cadillac gauge. Most times, a good TESA-HITE would have me done in 10 minutes, but, nope, the money for one of these is never in the budget.
  • ( V1 loop start ) We have production machines run parts out of print shift after shift. CMM printouts / data clearly show it. Production leads ask inspectors if parts are ok to ship or "what can we do with inspection to make sure this doesn't happen again ? notice the lack of the end loop here...
  • ( V1 loop start ) We have production machines run parts out of print shift after shift. CMM printouts / data clearly show it. Production leads ask inspectors if parts are ok to ship or "what can we do with inspection to make sure this doesn't happen again ? notice the lack of the end loop here...
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