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Quadrents flip when measuring cylinders

When I measure cylinders and tolerance the TP using exact measure it will flip the quadrants from positive to negative on the inspection report up to .010. I ran the same part 3 times and the X,Y coordinates switched from +.005 to -.005 just randomly on different cylinders. I recalculated in legacy and repeated the test and it repeated within tenths. Anyone else run across this?
  • Are you use a MINIMUM of three levels? Less than three and the feature becomes unstable and it will sometimes flip.

    Depends on the ratio length:diam of the cylinder and number of points around each level. If you have a ratio close to one, and only four points for the circles you effectively put your mp:s on the corners of a cube, which obviously can point in any of six distinct directions.

    But if the cylinder is long, compared to the diameter, no such mathematical problem exists (although it might be wise to sample more of the surface than just the ends...).

    And the shorter the cylinder is, irrespective of diameter, the more uncertain the direction of the axis will be.

  • This is not rumor. It is fact. No matter the length or the diameter if you use three levels it won't flip on you. The reasons that it will flip to me are irrelevant. I only want it to work every time and three levels works every time.

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