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Profile question

so. If i have a callout Profile .010. No datums.

Does that mean that I will not have min and max? Since the surface has no basics and can shift in any direction???

so in another words when i measure it, i would only get one value, example .005 and total profile .010?
  • I've played a little with Excel, on a theo profile Y=2*SIN(X).
    If you realize this profile, you can imagine different defects of size, orientation and vibrations, so the measured hits are following a function like Y1=A*(sin(X)+ random value) + B*X + C.
    The form only must fit this function, but the form + location just look at the measured hits.
    This gives those results :

    I entered A=1.96, B=0.03, C=0.05 + a random on Y value, the LS calculation givesA=1.961, B=0.026 and C=0.058.
    The min max value for form only give ±0.080, but the differnece between hits and theo profile is +0.254, + 0.001.
    The first result is the difference along Y between the red curve and hits, the second is the difference between green curve (theo) and hits.
    The result should be different if I used distance along the normal vector (using LS + vector on PC-DMIS) instead of distance along Y (LS only).

    Hope it can help, not sure of it, but it was a pleasure to play with a sinus !!!!!!!!!!

  • If Hexagon ever needs a math wiz... choose this guy.
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