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Well next Friday I'm heading to the Big Island of Hawaii. Never seen an ocean, so I guess I'll be seeing it big time. Taking my drone with, see if I can get some cool video or Pictures
  • I shall, First day- Rained all Day, nothing really happened.
    Second Day- Helicopter Tour over Volcano, scheduled at 1:00 PM. I had to drive 2 hours to the other side of the Island. To what looked like an abandon airport. Everyone loaded up in the Helicopter, pilot jumped in, pushed start, and the chopper did NOT start, they unloaded us. and asked if we wanted to do the 3:00 tour, I did not, my girlfriend insisted we do. So we waited a couple of hours in the parking lot. Fed chickens in the parking lot. 3:00 flight was canceled do to rain. Drove 2 hours back to the other side.

    Day 3 Took the Drone out flew around took some pictures. Sun was shining bright all day. Did Not put enough suntan lotion on the tops of my feet, burnt the s_h_i_t out of them. Was very hard to walk the next day.

    Went Snorkeling. That was ok.

    Kid was annoying at times.

    Laid Back watched the Sunset

  • Awesome, looks like you had a blast!
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