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Dungeons & Dragons

Is this still cool?
Do people still play this?

Personally I've been gaming for years, approx. 8-12 hours every Friday night
  • We played forever... THat group of fiends still do but they dont live close enough for me to participate. This group has gone to GEN CON for over 20 years now. 1 year some of them played an event that GARY Gygax himself ran. They all said hands down that it was the biggest letdown of their lives...... They laugh about it still today.
  • I played 2Ed one time as a youngster, but it was all 3Ed when we gamed in Oki.

    I'd imagine playing with Gygax would run afoul of the old adage "never meet your heros". He's likely not the best DM ever, but playing with the Creator is worth it even if he's only average.
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