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No CAD & Hopeless

I've got a recurring issue around here; no CAD models!
Our QM handles communications between us and our customers; I'm just a lowly programmer, and am not allowed to get into contact with Engineering to get CAD models to inspect their parts. Apparently the boss doesn't want to; literally told me "yeah, that's not gonna happen. Can't you program without a CAD model?"

Working Offline on a laptop, because the desktop is currently in the hands of IT, dead.

What should I do

  • I have two dongles. One is an Online license used to program on the CMM, and run the dang thing.
    The other is an Offline license, which is supposed to work with CAD to program parts off a machine, say if it's down or checking parts, but can't actually move the machine
  • If the part is a standard turned/prismatic shape then how much more time do you think it takes.
    Remember just point and click does not mean the end, you most likely will have to alter something like number of hits, CW/CCW thread pitch, depth/end offset on cones to name a few. You will still have to name features and call out result set datums create comment for the programme and results output.

    This is not about dealing with duffers some companies do or will not send out CAD models or the models are so poor as to be useless and I am not taking about some backyard companies but large medical/aerospace and military from the UK, USA and Europe sometimes you just have to go with what you have been given.

    The programme you create without a model will be no less accurate than one with.
  • If the part was a standard shape I would not need a CMM to check it.
    I'm not lost; I've already mentioned how entirely feasible it would be to create a program.
    My particular setup requires more than "point and click", it's a multi-sensor vision system for one.

    They are good at making the CAD models (I mean I've never received a bad one, but I had 5 or 7 or work from.)
    This is sort of why I have a hard time believing that "they refuse to send us CAD models."
    They have sent models.
    I don't care if they want to or not. I want to know that they can't.

    And yes, there will be lots of inaccuracies. Specific to vision mostly, again, but.
    E.g. should I use Black to White or White to Black scanning?
    Draw an Inner Circle, or an Ellipse? How can I compensate for potential burrs or rolled edges?
    What would I set my filters to? Degrees of measurement for a circle on a notch to get the best representation of it?
    I can't create a full-fledged, fully working program, one and done and ready to run, no bugs or errors, even with a CAD model.
    I haven't been doing this shlt for 20+ years.
  • “My thieving wife took my CADillac, and now I’m hopeless”

    Moving up rapidly on the country music charts.
  • All of the part's blueprints were generated from CAD.
    I don't inspect ones that aren't (more a coincidence than anything; I don't care lol)
    I've had enough time on my hands to be able to draw a CAD model myself. There's just no software to do it :P
    What is different between a model and a blueprint, permission-wise?
  • +1, yes, you could just create the CAD surfaces you plan on inspecting. Just enough to get you going. no need to put in things like chamfers and fillets if your not going to check them.
  • may I ask what your salary is? You talk like you make enough money to be okay with sitting there and doing that.
    I don't.
    Hence the Bltching
  • I'd figure the blue print would be more important since it contains the nominals and tolerances needed for manufacturing. A CAD model would only have nominal data with no tolerances.

    So no non disclosure agreement, what stopping you to farming out to a drafter to create the model for you?
  • I personally don't know somebody who has the software, and they don't pay me enough to look for one outside of work.
    I would also agree the blueprint is equally if not more important.

    Like. FreeCAD would work or something. But now I'm stealing their work, copyright and all that, because I didn't have permissions...
    Blah blah.
  • An offline seat is pcdmis installed on a computer that is not connected to a CMM. the advantages of an offline seat is that you can make programs away from your machines, like in an office, copy the .prg and .cad files to a jump drive and move it over to the CMM. Prove out the program by aligning to the part and checking your move points, and ta da.

    My CMMs are always in use so I can't program at the machine so I do it offline.

    Most offline seat users are for CMMs. I've never made an offline program for an ARM. we dont have one :P