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Curious about a medium salary

Hello guys,

I've tried to find on google, the medium salary for a CMM Programer job, and i didn't find anything about it, here in my country, but also anywhere else.
If you could, gave me a hint about how the salary should be in my country - Romania- ( of course if you know), and also in other countries.
With my 1 year and a half experience in PC-DMIS, making hundreds of different programs in the past 1 and a half year, i didn't know how much to ask for a salary at a job interview, and i don't know the market for this type of job
- I have a University Degree ( Aerospace to be more accurate) , and a Master Degree in next year .

If you can't say anything or if I talked about a topic that you can't approach I am sorry, and you can delete it if it violates any terms of this Forum.
  • What do you think about the job so far? Easy, difficult, somewhat challenging? I'm asking because of your degree of course, usually people with degrees don't stick around a CMM for too long, from what I've seen, you can move on to "bigger better" things as a degree opens more doors for opportunity. Is the job easy as 1-2-3 for you degree'ed folks?

    Edit: Forgot to add the "bigger better" part.

    In some companies there are high paying positions that program CMMs like Sr Mechanical Engineer where you can make upwards of 120k in the US but usually those gals/guys have multi roles not just CMM programming.
  • Just look at cmm programmer in US on Indeed, they talk about salary between 40,000 and 70,000$/ year.
    On Indeed.fr, they talk about salary between 20,000 and 50,000 €.
    You can search on "ro.indeed.com", just to see what you can ask for...

    : it depends on the job... If it's interesting, always different, asking for a little reasoning, then you can stay in a job many years, whatever your level...
  • I had an interviewer call me when i was still with Hex and they said the "Market value" for a CMM programmer is around $30/hour (or $62,000/year ((without overtime))).

    I did not pursue that particular position as it was much less than was i was making at the time.
  • Market conditions (cost of living) vary considerably here in the states, as such, the salaries do for their respective market areas. I'm sure pay in east coast and west coast regions is significantly higher than Midwest, South and Southwest regions. Additionally, there's the variable of employee's skills and experience. Some greenhorn that just finished all the PCDMISu classes will make considerably less than someone with 10+ years of programming experience.
  • I would think anyone out of college these days with a bachelor's degree in engineering, should land a job in the upper $60's to low $80's. Masters degree? add 20k easy. Fifteen years of experience and no degree, subtract 10, lol.
  • Those positions are hard to come by as most employers are used to the not so good "programmers" but with perseverance and patience you'll find an employer that knows value.
  • well, i would really like to find an employee like that. It's true, i don't have the big experience yet, and this is why i like to find the medium salary for this type of job in other countries, because i wan't to deploy my wings and leave this country Slight smile
  • My job is challenging ( that is what i like, i got bored doing the exact same thing over and over), and difficult beacuse learning alt the program and the functioning by myself, i have some issues that from even asking here i can't find an result. I am the only programmer over a 20 km radius i don't have anyone to ask, just this is the difficult. I like working on programs, any of it, this is the advantage, and this is why i haven't crack until now.
    Maybe i can go higher for opportunities but even in this domain over here in my country you have to have a bachelor degree, and the master degree is to open the doors in my way further,