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Dear ADMIN.............

Dear Mr. or Mrs. Admin how about giving someone the ability to remove Spam or Flags, to keep this forum clean? The ability to move some Topics to there proper places. This forum is a great place to get information, and it has of lately turned into a 10 year old child's room, making it hard to find information in the right spot, and it seems of lately more Spam has been popping up more than I've seen in awhile, and no one seems to clean it up. Yes, I'm a jokers on this site, but would like you to take this a little more serious on this matter.
  • So, I just had a great conversation with Eric Hollenbeck (Hex support manager) in response to me persistently reopening the Hex ticket.
    In short, he explained that there's some stuff going on internally that has limited Hexagon USA's ability to control the forum. He agrees with our suggestion of delegating a few active senior members as moderators, and is working on it, but change won't come overnight. He said this started about 3 months ago, and he is trying hard to get the forum back to pre-3 month ago status. That's all he could divulge. Know that there are eyes on the problems within this forum, and they will -eventually- be attended to. have hope.Astonished

    been there, done that, the sales force that took over the forum removed all user moderators (then used the membership list emails for spam, NOT for forum use, but strictly for sales pitches)
  • Money IS NOT the root of evil but the LOVE of money is...
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