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Better Luck At a Garage Sale

So The company I work for, of course was suckered into buying a computer with the Global S. It happens to be a Lenovo computer. It comes with a HDD, (even though I have heard Hexagon representatives, praise that you have an SSD) 2 X 8GB of Ram. When talking to them, I always hear "You should have more RAM" but everytime that I responded "We got the computer from you" They quickly respond "Well, That should be sufficient, that's what's on my computer" Rolling eyes Anyway I ordered more RAM actually HYPER <<< something like that, DDR4. That's what this Junk calls for. So I plug them in, Turn on the PC, beeps 3 times, and nothing, tried everything even take the little battery out and put it back. Nothing. So I went to the Lenovo website, so it turns out, there only a couple of companies that the memory sticks are compatible with this computer, so had to return the sticks and take a restocking fee loss. I did upgrade the HDD to an SSD. I have ranted on this before. They sold them a plate that didn't fit the CMM, The tool changer was not adjustable, it stood high and proud, but in the way of Calibration ball, had to take that off and on, timewaster, So now I am just waiting for the other Ram to come in, Just throwing this out there, if your ever in the market to buy a new machine. Do your homework or you might get bamboozled.
  • I think, for most folks, they find the 'transferring the demon' to a new rig the daunting part therefore don't even try and go for whatever the sales folks tells them.
  • In this case the customer kept telling the owner "You need to get a CMM, makes things so much easier" The owner without even knowing the first thing about it, bought it, sent a couple of guys to the class, and pretty much was stuck until I come along. I started training these guys, slowly. They repeated time and time again. "We learned nothing in that class!!" I told them, that they try to Jam 5 years of knowledge in a weeks time. Hexagon is turning into a quantity, instead of quality, company.
  • Dear Kirbster269,

    So sorry to hear about your misadventures this fine Moanday Mourning. Did you know it's the 21st century already? I just ask because I recall pretty clearly even through the haze of decades past, the first time I need to buy and add memory to a computer. It was 1986. And do you know that even then it was fairly well known among those who routinely did such things that it was important to properly spec the memory for the system it was to be installed on. Likewise, it has been discussed here and elsewhere many times that the workstations provided by Hexagon with the purchase of a CMM machine are barely adequately powered and markedup. The last purchase of a Global that was fully at my discretion to spec, I choose to buy a superior workstation directly from Dell. Hexagon, reasonably, required we ship that computer to Rhode Island so they could bring up and full test the complete actual system at their factory before sending it all to me in Houston. My point dear Kirbster269, if that's even your real name, and you are still bothering to read this missive, is that while you may have some legitimate complaints with regards to some of the items in your little vent, it seems mostly to be a lancing of emotion that has been nurtured and allowed to swell into a massive boil, all quite unnecessarily. A CMM machine is a complex system comprised of modern digital technology. One cannot simply bolt on any old flux capacitor and go merrily hyper reporting about as if compatibility and due diligence were as superficial as a Kardashian. You sir are actually doing us all a disservice. When you lump valid and vapid complaints together into a vague, nearly unanswerable diatribe there is no foundation from which to construct upon the criticism. I propose instead, the next time you need to make a purchase of this sort you find someone who understands the specifications of computers and memory to consult. Unless you are one of those who like the dejamoomoo of repeating the mistakes of one's past. But then, I like logic and science for work and politics, preferring to reserve emotion for poetry and personal relationships. HTH & ymmv.

    Best Regards,

  • I wasn't bamboozled, <<<if that's your real name Rolling eyes. It was a company owner that lacked the knowledge of what he was buying and I have to come clean up the mess. If you go to a car dealer, and don't know anything about a car, and the car salesman tells you, the car is sufficient with 3 wheels. .

    That's what you end up with.

    You kinda hope that salesman knows what you need

    I ranted to the representatives, when they came in. I told them to look, what the company is making and sale them things that would be to their favor. instead of just selling something to people who know nothing about the product. Even the guy at Brown & Sharpe, said it was poorly executed.
  • I wasn't bamboozled, . It was a company owner that lacked the knowledge of what he was buying and I have to come clean up the mess. If you go to a car dealer, and don't know anything about a car, and the car salesman tells you, the car is sufficient with 3 wheels. .

    That's what you end up with.


    You kinda hope that salesman knows what you need

    I ranted to the representatives, when they came in. I told them to what the company is making and sale them things that would be to their favor. instead of just selling something to people who know nothing about the product.

    I was neither trying to bamboozle you nor imply that you were bamboozled. I was asserting that you, and the "owner", failed to observe a basic tenet of capitalism commonly referred by the ancient phrase 'Caveat Emptor'. Should the seller of the memory stick gone the extra 16093.44 Kilometers to prevent you from buying components that were not compatible with your computer? Maybe you should ask your congressional representative to sponsor a bill to require memory sticks to bare warning labels outlining the potential dangers of incompatibility?

    Good Day Sir!

  • Every time I hear someone say "my boss won't send me to class... I'm just here sitting in front of the CMM."...facepalm
  • Keep it going please! Down below vvvvv
  • again you proved my point. After I learned my lesson of the memory stick, MY BAD, I did do research on the bottom of the barrel PC that BESTBUY has, that no one purchases. I just rant to help others who know nothing about the products. If I was here before the owner purchased these products, I would have built the computer myself with quality components. He also had to spend another $6000 on products for the machine to accommodate for the companies needs while the products that they sold him are in a corner collecting dust. Probably the same reason why they release a software and open discussions about what's wrong with the product, you know having other people to do all the leg work, do they get a check or discount from Hex to find all the problems? probably not. But they are quick to collect the service agreement money. The only thing that hasn't failed on PC-DMIS is "Your License Has Expired"
  • Dear Kirbster269,

    So sorry to hear about your misadventures this fine Moanday Mourning. Did you know it's the 21st century already?

    Good Point, maybe we ought to hint that to Hex, I think I did see tubes in my Zenith Computer.
  • Your license has expired? "LockExpiryReminder" "Disabled=True"