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Power Trip

You know, I have seen more often, People on here going to great lengths and just, extra steps, on writing programs to keep others out of PC-DMIS and the programs. I think if you spent that effort teaching others, how it works, how it functions. Lets face it, the CMM is an instrument used for quality, If a person is in quality, do we hide Calipers, OD, ID mics, indicators, surface plates, blocks. I know there are people out there, who might think, That their job is threatened. Paranoid.Alien Then there are others who say, that's what the customer request, my hands are tied. Your customers are not at your place all the time, nor are you, what happens when something goes wrong, are you going to end your vacation and head back to fix it? are the customers going to come over and fix it? Last but not least, The power trip people, They have in their feeble little heads "I'm GOD, You will bow down to me and worship me, My intelligent level is superior to yours" The only thing I can say to those people is "S-h-i-t and fall back in it" Just my 2 cents for the day Rolling eyes

This is what got me saying what I said. I always said there are no dumb questions, just dumb answers. Well I might have to revisit that saying.

  • well you could never ever be so wrong my friend, Anybody can be taught, and I do me anybody. People who are not interested in it can be taught, people who are scared to death of the machine can be taught. I know, I have done so. You as the teacher or mentor, have to adapt to each individual. You also have to make it fun. Each person is unique in there on way. As a person who's job is to pay attention to detail. Got to do the same for the people. Take for instance a part that you check, and it's bad, you check, you double check, you triple check, and when you have exhausted all possibilities that it is not good, is it over for that part? nope, eventually it will be melted down and you will start all over from the beginning and try again. Sometimes you have to do the same for people. See I am already boring people with this conversation. Rolling eyes As I stated at the beginning "I'm not God, I don't put myself above anybody, Well except for maybe and " you know people like that
  • KIRBYYYYYY I will reach right through the interwebs and calibrate your rack if you don't cool it
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