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Power Trip

You know, I have seen more often, People on here going to great lengths and just, extra steps, on writing programs to keep others out of PC-DMIS and the programs. I think if you spent that effort teaching others, how it works, how it functions. Lets face it, the CMM is an instrument used for quality, If a person is in quality, do we hide Calipers, OD, ID mics, indicators, surface plates, blocks. I know there are people out there, who might think, That their job is threatened. Paranoid.Alien Then there are others who say, that's what the customer request, my hands are tied. Your customers are not at your place all the time, nor are you, what happens when something goes wrong, are you going to end your vacation and head back to fix it? are the customers going to come over and fix it? Last but not least, The power trip people, They have in their feeble little heads "I'm GOD, You will bow down to me and worship me, My intelligent level is superior to yours" The only thing I can say to those people is "S-h-i-t and fall back in it" Just my 2 cents for the day Rolling eyes

This is what got me saying what I said. I always said there are no dumb questions, just dumb answers. Well I might have to revisit that saying.

  • A-machine-insp #7.1

    Today, 11:18 AM
    Editing a comment

    Something you said there triggered me a bit. At the shop I work at, we are not allowed to talk to the machinists. We put the parts (good or bad) on a table for the machining manager to pick up and take back to the machinist. If the machinist has an issue, he talks to his supervisor who then talks to my supervisor who then talks to me. Information going through 2 extra people can get lost or misinterpreted and its ridiculous.

    Sorry, rant off.

    I can sum that up with one word


    You do one job. Even though your capable of doing others, You will not walk, talk, or move, unless we say so. If you have to use the bathroom, we will hire someone to pee for you.

  • True. If they want to keep wasting material trying to get a good first part, that's on them. We had one part recently that it took them 24 tries to get us a good part... AND IT WAS A STUPID SIMPLE PART!!! All because the information wasn't being relayed correctly. No one ever came to talk to me about it, they just kept running them.

    I'm getting off topic here. Rant off again.
  • My comments on the topic at hand. I think I'm a balance between kirbster and anthony. When I am training someone, I will try multiple different approaches with them but there comes a point where I will give up and walk away for good. How long I try is dependent on how hard the trainee is trying to understand the information given. If they are truly trying and it's just not sticking, I'll work with them for a long time especially if I see potential in them. If they don't seem to be trying or it seems like they don't care about anything but the A/C... then GTFO!!!

    The thing that I say that seems to work the best when they are down or frustrated is "We have all been in the same position you are. We all sucked (that word changes from time to time) at one time but keep working at it and you'll get it." I coach beginning motorcycle racers in the summer and beginning youth hockey players in the winter and that comment works for them all because it is the truth.
  • difference there, is they seek out you to teach them how to ride a motorcycle, or the kids want to play hockey, trick with teaching something that people don't want to learn is to actually make it interesting and fun. I'm always joking throughout, and I can usually relate something in their lives so they understand (dumb it down a little).

    Which reminds me Joke for the day.

    What's the difference between a Motorcycle and a Vacuum Cleaner?

    The Placement Of The

  • I can relate to this post so much, the place I work at now is my first time in management so i struggled a bit with training/delegating responsibility.

    I had really poorly trained lab technicians that struggled with using the CMM/computer so I made a completely bulletproof GUI to use. Basically, the operator was responsible for turning the CMM and computer on, clicking the Operator Interface program, scanning the barcode for the correct program, and loading the part. As simple as that was to use, they kept screwing it up (scan wrong barcode, load part backwards, etc.)

    So I was talking to the owner about the difficulty of coding the GUI and what not and he said that "you shouldn't be wasting your time doing that, if they can't follow instructions or training then we should get better people that are willing to be trained." He also mentioned not wanting to trust people that don't know what they're doing using a very expensive machine and verifying parts by looking at the pass/fail column.

    Now I take time to work with people till I feel they're getting it better, then i slowly give them parts and jobs with more difficult set-ups and requirements to bring them along further

  • KIRBYYYYYY I will reach right through the interwebs and calibrate your rack if you don't cool it