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Does being a programmer ever make you feel "dirty"?

I don't know who I am anymore. Everything used to be so black and white, pass or fail. Now, I just don't know. Use-as-is, whatever.

  • Yes. I get a lot of "it passes, fit form and function" when most of the parts we are not assembling and we don't have prints of the assemblies they go to or even prints (or pictures) of just the mating parts.
  • No. Being a programmer doesn't make me feel dirty. All of the twisted, sadistic, destructive urges and thoughts I have do, but I was that way long before I ever wrote my first line of code, or used Pc-Demon to create a measurement routine.

    And if my thought-dreams could be seen. They'd probably put my head in a guillotine.

    Nice to see you around again Gabriel, why not drop in on the other place if you have time to kill or a spleen that needs venting?

  • I report, they decide. I go home at the end of the day and don't give a flick what they decided.

    Yes, I have a bad attitude.
  • I agree but at my particular job, I don't agree. All the parts I work on are flying parts for the defense industry, 99% of which go to the F-15 and F-18. Our parts directly contribute to the safety and security of this country and our pilots immediate safety is relying on these parts to fit and function correctly. Being the Patriot I am, I take the aforementioned very seriously and am a stickler in inspection. That on top of, think of what the jets are capable of doing, supersonic speeds and high g-forces. I am not popular with some of the machinists but they accepted the job knowing full well what they are making parts for.

    At least I am nice to everybody.
  • I think I would feel better about myself if I sold hotdogs on broadway than use Pc-Dmis for part validation.