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Things are getting out of hand here at work! A CNC guy took vacation to Iceland and returned today and the company told him to go home and call in next Monday to see if he could com back to work! He wasn't sick he went out of the country and came back. Oh boy
  • The world is full of P_uss_ies, blown out of proportion, the world is full of things that will kill you. The fact is we will all die of something, car wreck, do we stop all cars? mother nature, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, list goes on with this one. Virus? Aids << this one killed a lot of people, swine flu, bird flu, The world never stopped, Even after the world trade center came down, six months later people went on like it never happened. One person told me when my wife passed "It's so hard to live, but so easy to die, you might as well enjoy it, while you can" buck up people, if your going to huddle into a corner with your mask on, waiting for death to come get you, please do the rest of us a favor, keep it to yourself. No more sports???? not true, me and the boy, are going to be outside, throwing the football around, facing all those deadly germs in the air Astonished Going to the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2 weeks. OH, NO, your flying??? finally one good thing about it, the seats are finally cleaner than before. because the freak out, how dirty were they before? One day we are going to die, they will find me somewhere with a smile on my face, not sure where, but I'll have fun wherever the road ends for me, but at least for the ones making a big deal about this, they will be easy to find, in a corner of there house with rolls and rolls and rolls of toilet paper around them.

  • PREACH BROTHER @KIRBSTER269!!! I have survived so much s_hit in my life that a virus doesn't scare me in the least bit.

    I already know what is going to take me to the otherside when my life ends. It will be racing my motorcycle and I am accepting of that fact. What I do is dangerous on a good day. We preach about how much safer it is than being on the streets, and it is to a point, but we are pushing ourselves and our equipment to the razors edge of what we are capable of and sometimes it does go all wrong. I have seen and experienced that firsthand recently. But that is my choice in how I want to live my life. I will not go holed up in a corner of my house trying to escape death, I'll be charging at death daring it to try and take me.

    More to the point, this is all being blown way out of proportions. Precautions should be taken but I think it has gone way too far. Good example: The Daytona 200 motorcycle race is supposed to be this weekend (today actually). Everybody arrived, unpacked, practiced, and did 3 rounds of qualifying. As soon as they got back from Q3, they gathered everybody together and said it was canceled (postponed till October actually). There are a few teams there but most of the riders are privateers from all around the WORLD (not just USA) that paid for all of this out of their own pocket and now have no way to recoup their money. I know a lot of people down there right now and they are furious. To be clear, it was the Florida that canceled it, not the organizers, and the racers will get their race fees refunded or applied to October but they have no way to recoup the travel costs which tends to be more than the race fees.

    Ok, rant off.
  • PREACH BROTHER @KIRBSTER269!!! I have survived so much s_hit in my life that a virus doesn't scare me in the least bit.

    I already know what is going to take me to the otherside when my life ends. It will be racing my motorcycle and I am accepting of that fact. What I do is dangerous on a good day. We preach about how much safer it is than being on the streets, and it is to a point, but we are pushing ourselves and our equipment to the razors edge of what we are capable of and sometimes it does go all wrong. I have seen and experienced that firsthand recently. But that is my choice in how I want to live my life. I will not go holed up in a corner of my house trying to escape death, I'll be charging at death daring it to try and take me.

    More to the point, this is all being blown way out of proportions. Precautions should be taken but I think it has gone way too far. Good example: The Daytona 200 motorcycle race is supposed to be this weekend (today actually). Everybody arrived, unpacked, practiced, and did 3 rounds of qualifying. As soon as they got back from Q3, they gathered everybody together and said it was canceled (postponed till October actually). There are a few teams there but most of the riders are privateers from all around the WORLD (not just USA) that paid for all of this out of their own pocket and now have no way to recoup their money. I know a lot of people down there right now and they are furious. To be clear, it was the Florida that canceled it, not the organizers, and the racers will get their race fees refunded or applied to October but they have no way to recoup the travel costs which tends to be more than the race fees.

    Ok, rant off.
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