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Things are getting out of hand here at work! A CNC guy took vacation to Iceland and returned today and the company told him to go home and call in next Monday to see if he could com back to work! He wasn't sick he went out of the country and came back. Oh boy

  • So to follow up with this, I told my buddy, I might be heading to Arizona for a few days, maybe he could meet up with me and the better half, since his state is still closed down. Now him and his mother both have had the Vaccine shots, and yes his mother is 96, and he said that his sister would throw a fit, if he was to meet up with me, knowing I didn't have the shot................Ok let me get this straight.............what does the shot do for you if it doesn't protect you or help your immune system fight it???.............Your car is old, here is a brand new one, it just doesn't come with a steering wheel or tires. I told him that I was completely confused with this logic. Get a shot for this virus, but it doesn't help, maybe somebody can clear this up for me, Normally, I'm pretty good at math, but this one doesn't add up.

    Sorry, I can't clarify that logic.

    Unfortunately, I see this as the world we are going to live in. I've been calling it for a while. You're going to need a vaccine "passport" to travel anywhere. People are living in fear and they will mandate you have a "vaccine" in order to see them. Families and friends will be split over fear. I foresee a vaccine "passport" to even go to the store in the future. The mainstream media and powers that be have created a world in which a majority of people conform to the fear mongering. Time to start joining the parallel economy!
  • I've read that the vaccine (or one of them? all of them?) doesn't prevent you from getting the virus, but makes it so you only have a mild reaction to it.

    "What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

    A COVID-19 vaccine might: (NOTICE IT SAYS MIGHT not WILL)

    Prevent you from getting COVID-19 or from becoming seriously ill or dying due to COVID-19
    Prevent you from spreading the COVID-19 virus to others
    Add to the number of people in the community who are protected from getting COVID-19 — making it harder for the disease to spread and contributing to herd immunity
    Prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading and replicating, which allows it to mutate and possibly become more resistant to vaccines"

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