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Things are getting out of hand here at work! A CNC guy took vacation to Iceland and returned today and the company told him to go home and call in next Monday to see if he could com back to work! He wasn't sick he went out of the country and came back. Oh boy
  • i too believe this is being driven by politics as well as profit hungry elite,
    i have yet to understand how a person can test positive one day and test negative 3 consecutive days in a row.
  • i too believe this is being driven by politics as well as profit hungry elite,
    i have yet to understand how a person can test positive one day and test negative 3 consecutive days in a row.

  • i too believe this is being driven by politics as well as profit hungry elite,
    i have yet to understand how a person can test positive one day and test negative 3 consecutive days in a row.

    Or how unused swabs can test positive...

  • {"data-align":"none","data-size":"medium","data-attachmentid":484787}

    How long do you have to keep your finger in there? Sunglasses

  • Or how unused swabs can test positive...

    Didn't a mango test positive too?

  • How long do you have to keep your finger in there? Sunglasses

    I've heard anywhere between 10 seconds and a day and a half.
  • Company I work for is in the microbiology testing business. Check for bacteria and viruses in bodily fluids, food and pharrmaceutical products. False positives and negatives are a fact of life in this business. Try to minimize them but biology is messy. These tests were developed in an extremely short period of time and didn't get the full testing and crosschecking that they normally would. Tests were released under an emergency approval.

    It's kind of like the Oh crap moment when you've made thousands of good parts mixed in thousands of bad ones, inspection method takes forever and the customer wants product now. You come up with a quick and dirty method to get product out and things fall thru the crack because you can't do your normal due diligence.. Customer should know there are risks but most of the time they don't

    Stinks but that's what happens whether it's a machine shop or medical tests.
  • i too believe this is being driven by politics as well as profit hungry elite,
    i have yet to understand how a person can test positive one day and test negative 3 consecutive days in a row.

    I want to see the list of who has taken the test, just to see if I'm on it, even though I never took the test.
  • All of the people who had covid at my work were asymptomatic and were only informed that they had it after being tested. They're all back now and are completely fine
  • Another patient at the dialysis center that my wife has to go to has tested positive for Covid. They're pretty strict about wearing masks and social distancing. All the patients schedules have been changed so that this person can still get dialysis. My wife is high risk because of her kidney issues and her rheumatoid arthritis issues. RA is an autoimmune disease. Her RA medicine works by reducing her immune response. While she could still work, she literally caught everything that was going around; had it worse and longer than others. Used to be able to do dialysis at home using a different method. That failed just before Christmas and she had to get a temporary port. She just had the surgery required for a permanent port which will take 3 to 5 weeks to heal. Possible to still do blood dialysis at home but it takes 3 to 5 weeks of training and practice