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Decline of America

Now official America is a Banana Republic what is happening in Washington is a betrayal of the people police stand by and do nothing.
  • I can not agree more. I am a libertarian and love the idea of both sides saying enough. No maybe we the people can actually get something done!! At some point we the people will stand up to both sides.
  • I believe in democracy too and if the man who has done nothing in elected office for 47 years is the winner, then so be it but there are too many questions regarding the election going unanswered. Four years ago it was "the election is rigged" by the snowflakes and there were no questions regarding the outcome, just "he's not my president". This time there are many questions and the flakes are telling us to accept the results??? No, I want the questions/inaccuracies/irregularities answered and a true count taken before I accept it.
  • You know nothing of my political affiliation. Any resemblance of a democracy or constitutional republic waved buh-bye a longtime ago. Trump spreads lies, Biden spreads lies. They all spread lies. They do what will benefit them. Most politicians don't care for the people they are supposed to work for. Trump didn't cast doubts in our voting system. Our government casted doubts in our voting system. I didn't need the media or Trump or anyone to tell me that our voting system isn't acceptable. I saw the statistical anomalies with my own eyes.
  • No evidence has been produced in any of the court 59 cases that was upheld and a result of the vote changed, are you saying that all the courts are in on this.
  • Yeah it makes me sad to see what is happening in America on both sides. I pray for peace in our country and I pray that Biden (Even though I did not vote for him) is the greatest president we have ever seen. As I hope any sane republican or democrat would wish.

    I would never wish the pilot of a plane I am on to die or be harmed so why would I wish bad for our president. (Even if I don't agree with our president).
  • I agree. That being said... the democrats have spent 4 years doing nothing but try to destroy Trump. They clearly do not care about us, only their agenda.
  • Yeah I have not been surprised by anything that republicans have done in this current election cycle just because of how democrats responded with the last election.

    I think that storming the capital is kind of crossing the line that I don't know if any of us are ready (or should ever be ready) to cross
  • Laser there should not ever be a line to cross.
  • You know we are all good at math, the Democrats sold to most of the poorer people everyone deserves $15 an hour, and he openly said there would be an increase on taxes 43% but the uneducated people who can't see past the $15.00 an hour thing, well lets face it, that's why they don't make very much in the first place. So now you were making about $8.00 an hour, but now getting a raise and then taxed at 43% so your back at $8.00 an hour, so you gained nothing, but those who were making $16.00 an hour or more will get that tax and this is how you cut out the middle class, make everyone poor and stupid, put ma and pa shops out of business, corporations buy them out slip money to your local congress men and women to not bother them, because we all know, corporations get bailed out all the time, not ma and pa. This is why you see what you see, keep everyone separate based on color, and un educated, are your kids in school? Yeah neither is mine. There's a Pandemic!!!! your government will protect you, umm that's what my doctor is for, don't need you to preach to me about my health, especially the governor of Illinois, He is fat and out of shape, what do you know about health??? I can tell you the reason to why some states are in debt, One story in particular, Fireman worked until he was 55 and retired from a station with a Pension of $120,000 a year. He went back to work for another station, started building up another Pension, drawing from his first, making money from the other and building his second Pension, So that when he retires in 10 years at 65 he will be drawing $200,000 a year that he and/ or his wife will draw for the rest of their lives. This is one person I know in the state of Illinois, Now this rule goes to teachers, police, and any other city worker. This is not allowed in other states and remarkable the states aren't looking for bailouts from other states, but these states that are doing this, get bailed out on Americas dime, are not going to change their polices, so in 10 years when they're in debt again, they will look to America to bail them out again. Wonder if race will be their ace in the hole again, or will they actually come up with another strategy to swindle money, This is like giving a credit card to a teenager, them running up the bill, you pay it off, shake your finger at them saying "Now, don't you do that again" and giving them the card back. to be continued tomorrow...........
  • They all suck from the same teet. Our courts are corrupt too.