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2500 post

I just want to thank all the people here who made this possible. It's been a long journey but I finally made it. I want to thank the forum for this participation award!!!!

  • This may have been mentioned already but Just wait until they update the site and take that 2500 posts away from you. Has happened a few times thru the years. everyone's post counts where reset to zero.

    Then it will be a race back to the top! I'm good at racing...

    The government can take my money or my freedom....but if Hexagon takes my posts I'll have nothing left as a man

    POWER TO THE PROGRAMMERS!!! PLM... Programmers Lives Matter!!!
  • This may have been mentioned already but Just wait until they update the site and take that 2500 posts away from you. Has happened a few times thru the years. everyone's post counts where reset to zero.

    Then it will be a race back to the top! I'm good at racing...

    The government can take my money or my freedom....but if Hexagon takes my posts I'll have nothing left as a man

    POWER TO THE PROGRAMMERS!!! PLM... Programmers Lives Matter!!!
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