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What does everyone like to do outside of their workplace? We'll open it up to things you would like to start as well....

For me:

- Playing guitar / bass/ drums: I do volunteer at my church on a regular basis. I have been playing bass for 20 years, guitar for 14 years, and drums for 1.5 years.
- Recording / Composing music: I used to do this a lot about 10 years ago, but still dabble from time to time.

- I have always enjoyed architecture and design as well. It has been a while since I have done anything like that, but it's peaking my interest again.

- Future Endeavors: Videography, Animations & 3D renderings
  • I got back into rc racing last year after a 25ish year break. A new track opened up near my house so I figured now was as good a time as any.
  • How fast does that thing go? I considered getting into this while I was in the military... but i forgot that i didnt have any money lol. Buddy of mine had one though until he took it to the base skate park.
  • How do you make profit from the page? Is it based on traffic? Very interesting stuff though. My cousin 3D prints his own shotguns. He has a butt load of them in very vibrant colors. He doesn't sell them to people he just prints and builds them. Hes waiting for the buy back program on guns to sell them all to the gubment because technically they fit the criteria.
  • LMAO! thats genius i applaud your cousin
  • Right now the profit is all from ads. I am an amazon affiliate as well so hopefully that brings in money over time but currently I haven't driven any sales. Amazon is actually a pretty good place to buy 3D printer parts, they have really good selection.

    Eventually I will join better affiliate programs and maybe release my own product as well.

    You can 3D print guns legally (in the US), there are some restrictions around it but it is very legal (I have an article written about that). Mainly you cant sell them and they have to be detectable by xray and metal detecting. They also have to follow all other ATF specifications for gun dimensions and capabilities obviously.
  • , I just caught up on some of your newer articles. You've really got a knack for writing.

    The one on thermal runaway was especially good. I have been working on making my printer safer to run around the clock. That article gave me a lot to consider. I hadn't thought about what happens if the heater cartridge fell out and the printer doesn't have runaway protection. Scary!
  • Thanks man! It means a lot that you took the time to look at it!
    I recently won a few snippets on google (the little paragraph that is at the top when you search certain things). So if you google search "things that are illegal to 3d print" you will see my article at the very top.

    Also yeah thermal runaway is pretty scary! That is the one thing on a 3D printer that can really burn your house down.