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So aside from the one person that can take a conversation 40 different directions How many of you all have ADHD? I heard a while back that having ADHD/ADD is essentially a super power when it comes to programming of any kind and also ADHD people typically gravitate towards programming jobs.

I got diagnosed while I was in the military. When I separated I started a job at a calibration company. They had a CMM and I wanted more than anything to play with it. So I asked my boss what it would take to get me over there and he handed me a list of the GD&T symbols. He said "learn this and we will consider it."

I came back the next day after a 12 hour hyperfocus on learning GD&T and was programming by the end of the week. Fast forward a year later and my boss had said he had never seen anyone pick it up so quickly in his 40 years. Now this was still a more basic level of programming. Nothing like what you all are capable of. But I have since developed myself into a pretty confident (not arrogant like some of ya's) programmer.

Not trying to toot my own horn or anything just simply stating that ADHD is the sole reason I am a programmer and the constant hurdles and obstacles presented has kept me highly intrigued and motivated unlike most things I get myself involved in.

I am curious if any of you guys are in the same boat I am and maybe we could give tips and advice on how to tackle the more daunting stuff like the dreaded........ reprogramming a part already programed or waiting for the CMM to run through a 30 minute program.
  • I was diagnosed with ADD as a child and was on meds for it but the meds gave me headaches. We finally found one that worked without headaches but my mom talked with me and said that she noticed it changed my personality. She asked me if I wanted to keep taking them or stop so I chose to stop (I was 14 or 15 at the time). I know I have ADD because my mind and focus is always jumping around but, when it's something I'm interested in, I am easily able to hyperfocus on it. CMM programming is one of the few things I can hyperfocus on, the other being racing my motorcycles. The things I can hyperfocus on, I pick up on and excel at very quickly. I have had people tell me (both in CMM programming and racing) that I pick it up much quicker than most people.

    Most will say that ADD is a weakness... F that, learn how to harness it and make it a strength!

    Edit to add that I don't mind reprogramming. Give me a program to work on, let me put my headphones on and let me go. My new job is very hands off with me and it is fantastic. My last job was a little too micromanaged and it was enough to make me want to get out. There were other personal reasons why I left but the management was the big one.

  • Not sure if you're getting jerky with me here... I make jokes with people that I know on this forum. You made a comment about my intelligence a couple days ago and now you're insinuating I have ADHD. You've been here a very short amount of time. With all due respect, until you know me better I'd appreciate it if you'd watch your mouth if I am the topic you're speaking about.

    The above being said..
    I'm trying to increase my post count. In that spirit, I intentionally engage with MANY comments on this forum. Once I get to 2500, I'll be happy!

    Regarding past experiences since you shared yours:
    I believe I exhibit symptoms of someone with ADHD but I have never been formally "checked" for it or anything. I got into CMM work because I have always been fascinated with robotics and it was a good way to make a buck in my area without having a degree.

    At my first company, I was deburring parts and emptying rock tumblers. The company had a CMM, they sent people to training, nobody knew how to use it correctly or/nor did they trust it. It was the "$80k coffee table". I asked if they could show me briefly how it worked..was literally laughed at and as told to get back to work. I was 18, covered in shop debris, and had never seen a blueprint in my life so I don't really blame them. The shop closed at 4:00pm and I knew where the owner kept the keys..I'd stay until midnight at the CMM some nights just watching videos on youtube and running the few programs we had & did my best to read them.

    I never attempt to re-write someone else's program. IF you have worked with that person in the past & you're both on the same programming "wavelength"...that might work...but in general i have found it to be much faster as well as accurate to just re-write it.

    During my down time, I never allow myself to be bored. When the CMM is running I will either: watch GDT videos, read a mentally stimulating book, work out in my office, or come here and talk to you gavones!
  • I do not have ADD / ADHD.

    I don't know what it is about programming though but I can either be super focused (give me headphones and a few cups of coffee and I wont leave my screen for 10 hours) or I browse the off topic section all day LOL

    I have had the feeling for a while that I am getting a little board of programming pcdmis but it is a feeling that comes and goes. Sometimes I am excited to bite in to a new program and sometimes I will find any excuse not to program something.

    I don't mind rewriting programs (I am at the tail end of reprogramming a part family that has 12 unique part numbers)
    30 minute run times are actually normal for me. My first job in CMM 30 minutes was minimum and we had some parts that ran for 20+ hours.
  • I don't care for you, your jokes, or your impressions. You didn't have to send me a message, you could have and should have just said OK.
  • ADD as a child, put on the 'rit', and that pretty much blew away any meaningful memories from my childhood. folks took me off it before I was out of K-5. But as for memories from K-5, not much.
  • Real funny that your entitled to your say but once someone says something in return you get $hitty. I defended myself because I was accused of insulting your intelligence However I never did. I made a joke about your mom lol. I could give you the link if you would like to confirm. I thought you were a funny guy that could take a joke but apparently I was wrong. And because I called you out now your going to shun me and be an a$$ hat. Your a smart guy ill give you that. but your also very arrogant to believe that you can just spout nonsense and not be contested.
  • when you say things about someone that you don't know & that person doesn't like it..if you want to keep that person's respect..you DO NOT get to defend your actions like a child. nobody wants to hear your excuses. you own up and move on.

    idc what you expected. you don't know me. i have always respected you and will continue to do so. you might not like what I am saying to you right now but tough crap dude.
  • Never been diagnosed but probably am. Mentioned something about it to my wife, who was a teacher and trained to spot it, and she agreed. (Small school in a poor district: She wore many hats.) If you can get me focused on something, I can get good at it pretty quickly. Big word of course, being if.

    I'm also an extremely fast reader. I'll have read something (and understand it) 3 or 4 times in the time most people read it once.
  • ADD as a child, put on the 'rit', and that pretty much blew away any meaningful memories from my childhood. folks took me off it before I was out of K-5. But as for memories from K-5, not much.

    I was on Rit first but the headaches stopped that. Took 6 medications to find one that wouldn't cause headaches. Wellbutrin SR worked without headaches but there were apparently personality changes (I became boring :rolleyesSlight smile so I stopped when I was given the choice.