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Phone Games

What is your go to phone game when sitting and waiting for parts to run(if any). Since I am ADHD I have a hard time leaving my brain on standby so I need something to pick up the lack of input while I'm waiting for the next step. This always starts out as a concern from my employers since they see me on my phone from time to time but they quickly realize that it is only during moments of limbo and it doesn't hinder my performance.

I typically lean towards the idle games since I can let my phone run the game while I'm programming or switching parts or messing with data and then I do a little here and there within the game and set it back to run itself. I have been playing Days Bygone for the past month and a half and really enjoy it. Its a simple grindy idle game with endless progression of waves of enemies. What is your go to?
  • I can't say that is has ever come up. My current job is 95% offline programming with 5% of my time at the CMM verifying a program for the first time and troubleshooting problems when they come up. So, there isn't a lot of down time.

    In past jobs I was always too busy to do anything but work. Time between cycles was completely filled with manual checks, paperwork, extra job responsibilities, etc. I guess you could say the game I played was constantly looking for ways to automate enough of my work to keep up. All this is the reason I only recently got more involved on this forum. In the past I just never had time.

    However, I do find it helpful to listen to podcasts and audiobooks while I work on some of the more monotonous stuff.
  • I can't say that is has ever come up. My current job is 95% offline programming with 5% of my time at the CMM verifying a program for the first time and troubleshooting problems when they come up. So, there isn't a lot of down time.

    In past jobs I was always too busy to do anything but work. Time between cycles was completely filled with manual checks, paperwork, extra job responsibilities, etc. I guess you could say the game I played was constantly looking for ways to automate enough of my work to keep up. All this is the reason I only recently got more involved on this forum. In the past I just never had time.

    However, I do find it helpful to listen to podcasts and audiobooks while I work on some of the more monotonous stuff.
  • At my previous job I listened to audio books and watch podcasts since I was in a lab by myself. However at my new job headphones are not allowed and audio distractions are a nogo. So I have to stick to more quiet methods.

    A great series of audio books to get into if your into sci-fi is The Wheel of Time. Great series on par with Game of Thrones. Amazon is actually developing it into a tv series pretty soon.
  • Those are certainly some series that will keep you busy for a while. Some of the WOT books are well over 30hrs on audiobook. I only got through book 6 of the WOT series. Some day I want to get back to it. I hear the last few books are really good.
  • Thats right where im at. Im halfway through book 7 and ive taken a bit of a break from it. Doesnt have nearly the same pull as it did early on in the series however i still want to finish it out.
  • That's funny. I my wife and I had the same experience. The first three were great. The next few were still good. By book 6 it was kinda dragging. I'm still really interested to see where the story goes, but from the reviews I've read, it isn't until book 10 or so that it starts to redeem itself. It's hard to will myself to put in that time, and now I feel that enough time has passed that I need to start back from the beginning.