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Idea Center_Eliminate Line Length Error_Please consider voting


I just created https://ideacenter.hexagonmi.com/en/communities/40/topics/1076-eliminate-line-length-error

Please consider taking the time to check this out and throw it a vote if you see fit.

Thanks !
  • Also, This is above my programming level but can you use the line continuation character? The help file says to use a space an underscore and a space.(" _ ") Would this allow for additional lines? Has anyone tried this?

    no sir

    what they mean by "line continuation character" is that they DO NOT want people using spaces in their feature names. so, if you have a feature and you wan to name it "PLANE A"...you technically can but they advice you use "line continuation character" to make it "PLANE_A" to keep the name all in one line as opposed to broken piece of syntax

  • no sir

    what they mean by "line continuation character" is that they DO NOT want people using spaces in their feature names. so, if you have a feature and you wan to name it "PLANE A"...you technically can but they advice you use "line continuation character" to make it "PLANE_A" to keep the name all in one line as opposed to broken piece of syntax

    Thanks for clarifying that.