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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.
  • Question, what are you afraid of? I got the Pfizer, no problems. Other than the politics....What if Trump was still in office, would you have gotten it then? I am only asking, you do what you feel is right for you...
  • makes no difference WHO is in office, nope, not gonna get it, no way in HE|| could they have gotten any results for 'long term effects' with the way they pushed it through. They CLAIM there are no long term effects, but as I have said, in a couple years when all the males who got the shot test sterile, I will be one of the few who gets to repopulate the world.
  • Some are more cautious than others. I had a nurse a few months ago that said "I don't know why anyone is afraid of getting the shot. I got mine a few weeks ago and I'm totally fine!"

    Some believe that "a few weeks" is simply not enough time to determine the existence or the absence of negative side effects. Does anybody truly know when negative side effects would appear if they would at all? Perhaps a virologist would. I haven't seen a paper or article or statement published by a virologist that shows any projected data or any real scientific information on any of the vaccines. Perhaps I just haven't looked hard enough.
  • Question, what are you afraid of? I got the Pfizer, no problems. Other than the politics....What if Trump was still in office, would you have gotten it then? I am only asking, you do what you feel is right for you...

    If Trump was in office, I still would not take it. He was the one that pushed it and cut the red tape to allow this to happen.

    The timing of the vax is interesting.

    - My age bracket and my current physical health, I have very low chance of dying from the virus. Plus, my wife tested positive and I didn't have any effects from being around her.
    - It was readily available quite soon without all studies completed yet.
    - The government and businesses bribed people to get it. Now they are trying to force it. What they propagate on TV is not what we see in reality. If it was as serious as they make it, everyone would be doing it.
    - Understanding it is serious for some age brackets and people with compromised immune systems. I am not downplaying that.
    - Alternative medicinal information and remedies were suppressed early on and still is. This could have saved many many more lives.
    - Our health officials preached masks and vaccines rather than exercise, eating healthy, getting sleep, and boosting the immune system.
    - It's too close to Agenda 2030 and the last push for Agenda 21.
    - VAERS information is being suppressed and seemingly now, discredited, when it hasn't been for all these years.
    - The government has flip flopped on every issue pertaining to masks, social distancing, and the vaccine.

    If the message was consistent from day 1, I think more Americans would not be as hesitant to get the jab. However, if you feel comfortable with the jab, then take it. I am leery of the long-term side effects of the unknowns being pumped into my system. This is a brand new technology and choose to not be the guinea pig in this worldwide experiment over a virus that I have ~99.8% chance of surviving. And now with all the data coming out that the jabs don't even stop infection or transmission, what is the purpose? And if one says, "I have lessened side effects with the jabs." How do you know if your symptoms would be worse without it? In my opinion, that is a massive guess that you would have lessened effects pertaining to a breakthrough case with the jab vs without. Most people had mild reactions to the virus anyway. Plus according to the CDC, the people who died had an average of 4 comorbidities, the top one is influenza and pneumonia.

    At the end of the day, we all make a risk vs reward choice. You made yours and I will continue to make mine. That is the way it should be. Not coerced or forced, but a choice.
  • Question, what are you afraid of? I got the Pfizer, no problems. Other than the politics....What if Trump was still in office, would you have gotten it then? I am only asking, you do what you feel is right for you...

    I refuse to get the vaccine because I do not need it.

    If you're worried about me being a carrier then stay home. If I am in public and you see me and I have no discernable signs of sickness, my freedom of movement as an American citizen far outweighs your desire to feel safe.

    In addition to the above, I have Title 7 protections at the employment level to refuse under various religious as well as medical reasons (none of which I have to share with you).

    Since YOU brought up politics, let me just say that I never liked Trump. He was a creep and had a very odd conversational vernacular. He did, however, get s#!+ done. Gas was lower, taxes were lower, the international community still respected us, he wouldn't have gifted the Taliban ~$85bn of your tax dollars, he didn't openly admit multiple times that he is not in charge of what he is allowed to say in public (as the "POTUSA" that is pathetic), Trump didn't actively have a crackhead/finger-painting/corrupt/nepotism teet sucking/loser of a kid.

    If I had to choose between "The Harris...I mean Biden Administration" (direct quote from Comrade Biden)....OR a mean tweat.......I would pick "mean tweat" any day
  • wow GREAT RESPONSES YOU GUYS!. Their are side effect risks with any vaccine, or medication for that matter, oh yeah and any household chemical, gardening chemicals..I get it, I agree with what you guys are saying.
    I had COVID January 2020. A friend traveled from China and I had it bad. I ask only because I am interested in how others feel, you above average intelligence lot always seem to give great responses to difficult questions.
    I mean absolutely no offense! My father was 101st Airborne during Vietnam, he was diagnosed with brain cancer back in 2000 because a refinery had a leak, killed 12 guys ..When he was dying he told me Do not be afraid"
    Thanks for the responses.

    I have four children and I have been studying the vaccine issue for many years. At least if a mandate ever gets passed on my kids, I have already had the shot. Sterility LOL, It would be doing me a favor LOL. I'm 46 with a five year old...haha.
    I am also not afraid of the unvaccinated...
  • For me it is the lack of long term testing. You can't tell me, for sure, what the long term effects are. I also don't like how it was pushed through so fast (leads back to my first issue).

    The other thing is when the government (especially under this administration) is pushing so hard for everyone to get it, that raises a lot of red flags.
  • wow GREAT RESPONSES YOU GUYS!. Their are side effect risks with any vaccine, or medication for that matter, oh yeah and any household chemical, gardening chemicals..I get it, I agree with what you guys are saying.
    I had COVID January 2020. A friend traveled from China and I had it bad. I ask only because I am interested in how others feel, you above average intelligence lot always seem to give great responses to difficult questions.
    I mean absolutely no offense! My father was 101st Airborne during Vietnam, he was diagnosed with brain cancer back in 2000 because a refinery had a leak, killed 12 guys ..When he was dying he told me Do not be afraid"
    Thanks for the responses.

    I have four children and I have been studying the vaccine issue for many years. At least if a mandate ever gets passed on my kids, I have already had the shot. Sterility LOL, It would be doing me a favor LOL. I'm 46 with a five year old...haha.
    I am also not afraid of the unvaccinated...

    It's great to have calm and honest conversation. Odd that it happened in the off-topic section. Rolling eyes

    In all honesty though, those of us that chose to not get it don't care if you (generally, not you specifically) get it or not. However, it seems that those (the majority, not all) of people that get it try to demonize those of us that chose not to. To me, that leads back to politics. I feel like this administration, and democrats in general, are trying to divide the country in any way possible.
  • Another thing, I've said it before, maybe not here, maybe I did, not gonna search it out, but this full body press, threats, bribes, coercion, non-stop shaming on social media, TV, streaming platforms etc. is an attempt to remove any kind of a control group. IF you can force this stuff into everyone, then at no point in the future can anyone say "Well, those who got the shot are 500,000 times more likely to give birth to babies with tentacles." Anyone remember thalidomide babies? If not, look them up. A drug approved by the FDA, and look what it did to babies. I won't post picture links here, but if you are curious and want to see what 'approved' drugs can do, help yourself.