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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.
  • I am part of the control group and will be saying that way thank you very much Slight smile

  • It's great to have calm and honest conversation. Odd that it happened in the off-topic section. Rolling eyes

    In all honesty though, those of us that chose to not get it don't care if you (generally, not you specifically) get it or not. However, it seems that those (the majority, not all) of people that get it try to demonize those of us that chose not to. To me, that leads back to politics. I feel like this administration, and democrats in general, are trying to divide the country in any way possible.

    I had to get the vaccine. I am the primary caregiver for a parent with advanced cancer. It was required for me to be vaccinated to be present for hospital visits.

    That being said, I don't agree with these mandates. If you re in a high risk group, I would recommend the vaccine but that is still up to that person. If you are not high risk, you shouldn't take it. Nobody should take any form of medication that they do not need... in my opinion. If you are a hypochondriac, and are in absolute terror of getting covid, then get the vaccine if it makes you feel better. This should be a choice made by the individual and not the federal government. Flu shots are not mandated. Yet millions get it every year and millions do not. The world hasn't come to an end over it.

  • I had to get the vaccine. I am the primary caregiver for a parent with advanced cancer. It was required for me to be vaccinated to be present for hospital visits.

    That being said, I don't agree with these mandates. If you re in a high risk group, I would recommend the vaccine but that is still up to that person. If you are not high risk, you shouldn't take it. Nobody should take any form of medication that they do not need... in my opinion. If you are a hypochondriac, and are in absolute terror of getting covid, then get the vaccine if it makes you feel better. This should be a choice made by the individual and not the federal government. Flu shots are not mandated. Yet millions get it every year and millions do not. The world hasn't come to an end over it.

    my mom has advanced cancer as well

    i am not vaccinated

    nor will i be

    i visit her regularly

    they told me i couldn't come, i told them to call the police, they told me they didn't make enough money to care, the cna went and smoked a newport and forgot about the interaction shortly thereafter
  • Pretty sneaky sis..... (remember that commercial?)

    Long read at the link, but these 4 bullet points pretty much tell all.

    This is insane:

    Vaccine Makers Nullify COVID Vaccine Safety Studies

    Thanks to this cunning move, now it will be next to impossible to assess the long-term safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 gene therapy ‘vaccines,’ even as life-threatening side effects and deaths continue to mount at breakneck speed.
    • Makers of COVID-19 vaccines are now destroying long-term safety studies by unblinding their trials and giving the control groups the active vaccine, claiming it is “unethical” to withhold an effective vaccine
    • In so doing, they make it virtually impossible to assess any long-term safety and effectiveness, and the true benefit versus cost
    • It’s ironic, because vaccine mandates are being justified on the premise that the benefit to the community is more important than an individual’s risk of harm. Yet vaccine manufacturers are saying that participants in the control groups are harmed by not getting the vaccine, and saving the individual is more important than securing the data needed to make public health decisions
    • Getting the active vaccine comes with risk, not merely benefit. This is particularly true for the novel mRNA technology used in COVID-19 vaccines

  • I don't have anything to say particularly about the vaccine today, but I didn't feel like starting a new thread for a similar topic.

    That new COVID variant is spreading crazy fast. I work at a relatively small company of maybe 150-200 employees. Each time someone has a reported case they will notify HR and they send out an email to everyone that someone was infected, what area that person works in, and when they were last at work. They never name names, but when there is only a hand full of people in each work area it can be pretty easy to figure out who it was. Luckily, I don't know of any coworkers that have been hospitalized.

    For quite a while now HR has sent out one of these emails about once or twice a week. Last week they announced 5 infections. Yesterday 10 infections. Whoa! Astonished

  • I don't have anything to say particularly about the vaccine today, but I didn't feel like starting a new thread for a similar topic.

    That new COVID variant is spreading crazy fast. I work at a relatively small company of maybe 150-200 employees. Each time someone has a reported case they will notify HR and they send out an email to everyone that someone was infected, what area that person works in, and when they were last at work. They never name names, but when there is only a hand full of people in each work area it can be pretty easy to figure out who it was. Luckily, I don't know of any coworkers that have been hospitalized.

    For quite a while now HR has sent out one of these emails about once or twice a week. Last week they announced 5 infections. Yesterday 10 infections. Whoa! Astonished

    My last 2 jobs did the same thing. Pretty easy to figure out who it was. New job has 10 employees total so it's really easy to figure out.
  • The "new variant" has the same symptoms as the common cold.... And they are saying that yes, it spreads fast and so does the common cold. How many variants have they had since Covid started, 3? 4? Covid has only been worse since the media has gotten bigger and more powerful and then you have politics pushing it even further and it may be politics 1st and media 2nd but who knows for sure. Right now, I see it is more about controlling the sheeple more than anything else.

    The wife and I have no intention of getting any vaccine unless they strap us to a gurney and inject it against our will. I've seen people die and suffer stroke and heart attack after getting the the vax and/or a booster shot.
  • the shot is BS anyway. Here is a news snippet:

    "NEW YORK (AP) — This week’s remaining episodes of “Late Night with Seth Meyers” have been scrapped after the host tested positive for COVID-19.

    Meyers tweeted Tuesday about his positive result but said he felt fine, thanking the vaccine and a booster shot. He hosted an original broadcast on Monday."

    Yeah, vaccine & booster, and now he has it. F that, no shot for me!
  • How many have listened to the Joe Rogan podcast with Robert Malone that was released the other day? If you haven't, I highly suggest you do.
  • How many have listened to the Joe Rogan podcast with Robert Malone that was released the other day? If you haven't, I highly suggest you do.

    I tried to but it is being censored and/or banned because it goes against "The Science". I heard Malone really went after a bunch of people.