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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.
  • No requirements here, and also no masks unless you choose to wear one.
  • A few people got covid a couple weeks ago and they stayed home and no one else got it.
  • Where's Jay at?


    . .
  • SCOTUS just blocked the mandate for private businesses, unfortunately not for federally funded healthcare workers. Disappointed However, I don't think the fight is over for us in the private sector...
  • God Bless President Trump for having the foresight to appoint strong conservatives for the Supreme Court.
  • God Bless President Trump for having the foresight to appoint strong conservatives for the Supreme Court.

    I still don't trust them. The vote was against OSHA having the power to regulate this type of matter. The vote wasn't whether is was unconstitutional or not. Very big difference. That is why I don't believe the fight is over. The end game is social credit system. This includes having power over your bodily autonomy. Prepare yourself. They will only push harder. I sense a Black Swan event that will only end in some sort of martial law and force.

    I know...I'm a real optimist. Rolling eyes

  • I still don't trust them. The vote was against OSHA having the power to regulate this type of matter. The vote wasn't whether is was unconstitutional or not. Very big difference. That is why I don't believe the fight is over. The end game is social credit system. This includes having power over your bodily autonomy. Prepare yourself. They will only push harder. I sense a Black Swan event that will only end in some sort of martial law and force.

    I know...I'm a real optimist. Rolling eyes

    Dig the "V for Vendetta" masks out of the closet! AstonishedAstonished
  • It was just a joke dude.. chill out

    So was my post Dufus, you need to chill out. good lordRolling eyes I would have responded sooner I was out yesterday.
  • So this morning I was asked by the boss if I was vaccinated. I asked why they needed this information and was told "the CDC came out with new guidlines for covid and if vaccinated I wouldn't need to quarantine if I came down with covid". For the last two years we've been told that even if vaccinated you can still pass covid to other people. What has changed? Is it now vaxed against unvaxed? Midterms? And I'm supposed to belive the CDC!! WOW!!
  • So this morning I was asked by the boss if I was vaccinated. I asked why they needed this information and was told "the CDC came out with new guidlines for covid and if vaccinated I wouldn't need to quarantine if I came down with covid". For the last two years we've been told that even if vaccinated you can still pass covid to other prople. What has changed? Is it now vaxed against unvaxed? Midterms? And I'm supposed to belive the CDC!! WOW!!

    Ask him is he gonna start paying your medical bills, if not, don't ask about my personal information, also simply state, I'm not an Azzhole but if we must share, it wouldn't be a big deal for him to share his and his family medical information with you, and that you would require more than Vax card for information, has he or any family have had anything sexual transmitted disease. These are very important to you and your health. Then ask him or her about their s_e_x life at home. If your going to invade my privacy, don't get mad when I invade yours.