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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.
  • You know, this reminds me of when I was younger, before seat belts were a law, They told the people it's for your safety. Now on a normal basis I would say "That's very considerate" but then they said if you don't wear it you will be fined. "Wait...What? I thought it was about my safety, I get penalized for my personal well being?" Now like good little sheep we put this on because we are told to, or else. My Father never did, after he got his one and only seat belt ticket in his life, he went in front of a judge and said "If they could prove that I will fly out through my windshield and through another persons windshield and kill the other person, then I will with out question wear the belt for the other persons safety" The judge dropped the ticket and told my father to have a nice day. Now they are trying this all over again, except with a different prospective.
  • Those who would trade liberty for safety deserve neither !
  • You know, this reminds me of when I was younger, before seat belts were a law, They told the people it's for your safety. Now on a normal basis I would say "That's very considerate" but then they said if you don't wear it you will be fined. "Wait...What? I thought it was about my safety, I get penalized for my personal well being?" Now like good little sheep we put this on because we are told to, or else. My Father never did, after he got his one and only seat belt ticket in his life, he went in front of a judge and said "If they could prove that I will fly out through my windshield and through another persons windshield and kill the other person, then I will with out question wear the belt for the other persons safety" The judge dropped the ticket and told my father to have a nice day. Now they are trying this all over again, except with a different prospective.

    I get the seatbelt law. I was in a rollover accident where a driver T boned the vehicle I was in. Having that seatbelt saved me from serious injury and maybe even death. I may not always need it but I was glad I had it on when I did. It also did what it was intended to do.

    If someone had a vaccine that was proven to have no side effects and prevented the virus, I would take it. What we got was a vaccine that we don't know what it will do and it won't even stop the virus. I wouldn't want anything that you don't know what it will do and it won't do what it was intended to do. That's a failed product.

  • I get the seatbelt law. I was in a rollover accident where a driver T boned the vehicle I was in. Having that seatbelt saved me from serious injury and maybe even death. I may not always need it but I was glad I had it on when I did. It also did what it was intended to do.

    If someone had a vaccine that was proven to have no side effects and prevented the virus, I would take it. What we got was a vaccine that we don't know what it will do and it won't even stop the virus. I wouldn't want anything that you don't know what it will do and it won't do what it was intended to do. That's a failed product.

    You missed the point, giving you the choice of putting it on for your safety is one thing, but giving you no choice or it will cost you is another.

  • You missed the point, giving you the choice of putting it on for your safety is one thing, but giving you no choice or it will cost you is another.

    Seatbelts fall under the same category as tail lights. You do not have to have them on a car. They are there to assist in the safety of yourself and other drivers. Yet, if they don't work you get a ticket.

    You also gave up that "choice" when you obtained your driver's license. As part of the license agreement, you agree to safely operate the vehicle and adhere to all safety rules and requirements, which include the use of approved installed safety devices. You can even get a ticket for not having a child in the appropriate car seat in some states.

    Ralph Nader and the NTSB are responsible for seat belt related tickets. In most states, the "Seatbelt Laws" just state that all passengers must use the factory equipped safety devices when the vehicle is in motion. Nader pressured the NTSB to mandate that all automakers make seatbelts standard in all cars. If you are driving in a vehicle built before the 70's, it may not have been built with seatbelts. If pulled over, a cop could not give you a ticket for no seatbelt because the vehicle did not have them or he could and a judge would dismiss it.

  • Seatbelts fall under the same category as tail lights. You do not have to have them on a car. They are there to assist in the safety of yourself and other drivers. Yet, if they don't work you get a ticket.

    You also gave up that "choice" when you obtained your driver's license. As part of the license agreement, you agree to safely operate the vehicle and adhere to all safety rules and requirements, which include the use of approved installed safety devices. You can even get a ticket for not having a child in the appropriate car seat in some states.

    Ralph Nader and the NTSB are responsible for seat belt related tickets. In most states, the "Seatbelt Laws" just state that all passengers must use the factory equipped safety devices when the vehicle is in motion. Nader pressured the NTSB to mandate that all automakers make seatbelts standard in all cars. If you are driving in a vehicle built before the 70's, it may not have been built with seatbelts. If pulled over, a cop could not give you a ticket for no seatbelt because the vehicle did not have them or he could and a judge would dismiss it.

    Tail lights is for the safety of others. If one is bright enough to realize when they light up. It's to warn others your stopping or even slowing down. So this has been proven to make it safe for others around you, not only yourself. They have ran test and showed this is helping not just yourself but others around you. Can't weed everyone out, seatbelts do not save other people if you wear one, but their narrative is still the same. Vaccines would lie in the seatbelt category not so much the taillight. and they can't even justify that.

  • Tail lights is for the safety of others. If one is bright enough to realize when they light up. It's to warn others your stopping or even slowing down. So this has been proven to make it safe for others around you, not only yourself. They have ran test and showed this is helping not just yourself but others around you. Can't weed everyone out, seatbelts do not save other people if you wear one, but their narrative is still the same. Vaccines would lie in the seatbelt category not so much the taillight. and they can't even justify that.

    If I'm driving in front of you or even behind and I don't have my seatbelt on. Will this cause you to veer of the road, or cause you to wreck? No

    If I'm driving with no taillights in front of you or even behind you. Could this cause you to veer or wreck? Yes. In front you didn't know I was stopping because of this safety feature or if your in front of me you come to a stop light and the guy behind me didn't see any lights, hitting me, possibly push me into you.

    This would be the reason, I compared the Vaccine to the Seatbelt, but at least the seat belt has shown to actually save lives, but only for the person who's wearing not others.

  • If I'm driving in front of you or even behind and I don't have my seatbelt on. Will this cause you to veer of the road, or cause you to wreck? No

    If I'm driving with no taillights in front of you or even behind you. Could this cause you to veer or wreck? Yes. In front you didn't know I was stopping because of this safety feature or if your in front of me you come to a stop light and the guy behind me didn't see any lights, hitting me, possibly push me into you.

    This would be the reason, I compared the Vaccine to the Seatbelt, but at least the seat belt has shown to actually save lives, but only for the person who's wearing not others.

    Actually, there is a high probability that the vaccine has saved lives. Even though it doesn't stop infection of spread, it does lessen the severity of the infection. For those in high risk groups, the elderly and/or underlying conditions, it most likely has saved some lives. So, just like a seatbelt, it doesn't save other people's lives but it does increase the survivability of the user.

    But, for simplicity's sake, you win. I am not going to get into a keyboard war over where your feelings start and the laws should stop. Whether you get vaccinated or not is your choice. Whether you wear a seatbelt or not is your choice. Either way I could care less because only you are the one who has to deal with the benefits or consequences of your choice. I just hope that, whatever your choices are, everything works out for the best.

  • Actually, there is a high probability that the vaccine has saved lives. Even though it doesn't stop infection of spread, it does lessen the severity of the infection. For those in high risk groups, the elderly and/or underlying conditions, it most likely has saved some lives. So, just like a seatbelt, it doesn't save other people's lives but it does increase the survivability of the user.

    But, for simplicity's sake, you win. I am not going to get into a keyboard war over where your feelings start and the laws should stop. Whether you get vaccinated or not is your choice. Whether you wear a seatbelt or not is your choice. Either way I could care less because only you are the one who has to deal with the benefits or consequences of your choice. I just hope that, whatever your choices are, everything works out for the best.

    That is ( I think) the very bedrock of all the arguments AGAINST all the mandates. For over 200 years, it has been the personal choice of every citizen of the United States of America. BUT, the libel left doesn't want you to have any personal choice anymore, they want us to all do what they say. AND THAT AIN'T RIGHT!

  • Actually, there is a high probability that the vaccine has saved lives. Even though it doesn't stop infection of spread, it does lessen the severity of the infection. For those in high risk groups, the elderly and/or underlying conditions, it most likely has saved some lives. So, just like a seatbelt, it doesn't save other people's lives but it does increase the survivability of the user.

    But, for simplicity's sake, you win. I am not going to get into a keyboard war over where your feelings start and the laws should stop. Whether you get vaccinated or not is your choice. Whether you wear a seatbelt or not is your choice. Either way I could care less because only you are the one who has to deal with the benefits or consequences of your choice. I just hope that, whatever your choices are, everything works out for the best.

    I'm not getting into a war with you, Just like you said wearing a seatbelt is my choice, No, No it isn't, they made that a law, doesn't sound like a choice of my own. That was the point I was making. Same way with the shot, as it has saved lives,<<well supposedly, it has also screwed people up and has also killed quite of few because some have had bad reactions to the shot, let's not tell just half the story, I myself have 1 and only one true story that a guy I know crashed in a truck and wasn't wearing a seat belt, hit a telephone pole, went through the windshield and walked away, The engine of the truck ended up in the drivers seat, which would have most likely crushed him or killed him. Now I'm not saying because of this one particular incident you should not wear a seatbelt, It just so happen it was in this guys favor, but he was lucky enough to go to court, because he was issued a seatbelt ticket. Doesn't sound like choice to me.