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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.
  • My two brothers, one is over 50 and the other is over 40, haven't been vaccinated.
    -Older one has only one kidney.
    -The younger one has 5 kids (including twin infants), travels constantly with his new job, and a imminent divorce with a psychopath, lol. If he croaks, all of his kids will grow up with said psychopath. I feel both are at risk. I voice my concern, as It hits home.

    However, we are all adults and are entitled to our own beliefs, and I respect each individual's beliefs... Even if it freaks me out and keeps me up at night thinking of how my nieces an nephews will turn out if the worst happens.
  • Agreed that we don't know enough about the virus. It naturally being a virus, is also constantly mutating, and throwing curveballs at the medical professionals trying to help save lives (regardless of if its engineered or how it got out), we are in the thick of it now.

    Media is in it for ratings. Americans don't want to hear about changing their diets and exercising.. because 'Merica. we are free to do what we want. So. media is silent about the boring, taboo, and unsensational.

    The last time there was a pandemic of this magnitude, was smallpox. It took 300 years for them to discover, implement and eradicate the disease, by stumbling upon a variant of the disease found in cows, that would give folks minor symptoms of the disease, but would get antibodies to fight the full-blown disease.

    There still isn't a cure for smallpox. What they did was push the 'vaccine' (it really was just a lesser intense variant of the virus) for decades, which eventually provided the world with a herd immunity. Nobody has had a smallpox vaccine since 1980, and if it came out again, and got a chance to mutate & gain immunity to the cowpox 'vaccine', it would be >10x worse than Covid (30% chance of death).
  • read what i said and linked above about smallpox. it worked for that virus, but it took humans 300 years to achieve immunity.

    Also, Putin's inner circle has covid. Trump and many of his cabinet had covid. it's suspected that Kim jon un had it. Boris Johnson had a severe case of it. Yeah they aren't dying, because they are getting non-approved treatments we regular folks can't get, just as y'all are saying.

  • I see your tinfoil hat fits. Wink

    All seriousness, I agree with every point you made. I question the vaccine a lot when it is known not to prevent it, or the transmission of it, yet the government is pushing it so hard then trying to squeeze us that choose not to take it by requiring it (or a negative test within the last week) to go places or, in some cases, to even go to work. What the government is trying to do is raising too many red flags in my mind. There was a meme I saw a week or so ago that was something to the effect of "ever wonder how people were led to their deaths in 1930's Germany. you're seeing it now" (again, something to that effect) and at first I blew it off. Then I thought about it and realized how true it is. Not leading us to death but leading (most of) us to blindly follow those in power without question. One thing I have learned in my 36 years is to question everything. I question this and what this administration is doing.

    I shall take my tinfoil hat off now and go back to work.

    You mean this one?

  • Guess what?

    I was in CT, TX, FL, and IL this past weekend and the covid monster didn't get me

    I even took my mask off a whole bunch to breathe oxygen

    Oh well maybe the covids will want to hang out with me next time I'm traveling #foreveralone

  • This is the most comedic statement made if you ask me. Why do medications already FDA approved as treatments for other Corona Viruses and other diseases take more time to approve than a new experimental vaccine? You claim to bring logic to the table but it appears you throw it all out the window because you're not looking at it objectively. Your using your bias to make your decision. If you ask me the logical thing to do would be question why something new is being pushed harder than existing treatments. This is not me saying it doesn't work. I am simply stating that I believe it would have been in our best interest to focus our money on pursuing research on already existing treatments.

    Wanna talk facts and data? There are over 286 trials with 4,610 scientists and 411,347 patients all showing that using Hydroxychloroquine ALONE in the early stages of infection reduce hospitalizations by 64%. 75% decrease in mortality. But if not treated early the percentages drop drastically. HCQ is already used to treat a variety of illnesses and is already FDA approved. Why is this not being reported? With a total of 4,665,684 deaths if we had been prescribing HCQ with each positive test there would only be 1,166,421 deaths. That's a totally different situation.

    and those numbers don't include other drugs that can be prescribed with these drugs that could also reduce symptoms and decrease mortality.

    For meds that are not covid related, that are already in use for something else, they normally do studies to see if they actually do anything. They also want to make sure that a medication, tested for a specific illness, doesn't cause a unexpected side effect due to the different illness's symptoms. Aspirin is safe but will do nothing for covid. Hydroxychloroquine was designed for malaria, a non respiratory illness. It eases symptoms but not much was done on the effects of respiratory distress. Minor inflammation in the lungs is no issue with malaria but fatal for covid. It shouldn't take more than a few months to a year to approve something like that normally. The issue is, if there are approved therapeutics, it is harder to get a vaccine approved. Certain groups want the vaccine so bad that they quash anything that may help.

    I also no longer hear about the death rates as much. They talk about all the infected but not the deaths. As a virus mutates, it sacrifices lethality for communicability. This will most likely end up being a seasonal thing, like the flu. Millions get the flu each year and a few thousand die from it. This whole thing has become more political theater than actual medical/public safety issues.
  • As someone who has studied and researched the 1930's and 1940's for about 20 years, I can tie many events to modern day life in this country. Mussolini used the media to overthrow and take control of Italy. Lenin/Stalin rounded up political protestors and locked them away without even a trial. Those are just the major ones.

  • Wanna talk facts and data? There are over 286 trials with 4,610 scientists and 411,347 patients all showing that using Hydroxychloroquine ALONE in the early stages of infection reduce hospitalizations by 64%. 75% decrease in mortality. But if not treated early the percentages drop drastically. HCQ is already used to treat a variety of illnesses and is already FDA approved. Why is this not being reported? With a total of 4,665,684 deaths if we had been prescribing HCQ with each positive test there would only be 1,166,421 deaths. That's a totally different situation.

    and those numbers don't include other drugs that can be prescribed with these drugs that could also reduce symptoms and decrease mortality.

    4,665,684 is global death count. The United States does not have any control of COVID deaths outside of the United States. We've only had 682,569 deaths in the USA.

    What you are doing, by applying a basic percentage of efficacy for treatment of a specific symptom of COVID, isn't going to broad-stroke apply to the number of deaths, as COVID is multi-symptomatic, and of course comorbidities I'm sure would continue to erode that percentage of deaths regardless of HCQ treatment a it highest efficacy. Plus, HCQ's discovery of effectiveness on COVID I can guarantee you didn't happen on day one, when morbidity rates were highest.

    Your association with HCQ treatment and its' hindsight ability to save 3.5 million lives isn't in any way probable logical or accurate, EVEN if it was discovered on day one. I hope HCQ and all other treatments get FDA approval as soon as possible, but until then doctors need to comply with their code of conduct.
  • “Today, we mark a truly grim, heartbreaking milestone: 500,071 dead. That’s more Americans who have died in one year in this pandemic than in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.”

    — President Joe Biden, remarks on 500,000 deaths linked to COVID-19, Feb. 22
  • “Today, we mark a truly grim, heartbreaking milestone: 500,071 dead. That’s more Americans who have died in one year in this pandemic than in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.”

    — President Joe Biden, remarks on 500,000 deaths linked to COVID-19, Feb. 22

    "I'm not supposed to be answering all of these questions"
    -Joe Biden

    He is a geriatric communist who has no right to be speaking about the deaths of American citizens.