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CMM Programming Good Practices

I'm training a CMM Operator to become a beginner CMM programmer and he's making the same mistakes I did when starting out and it got me wondering: what are some of the standard CMM programming practices you all follow (either instructed to or from experience)?

I'll share a few of mine:

- Way prior to a new project kickoff, make sure to review all of the documentation (mainly CAD models and prints) to ensure everything on them is clarified by the designer/customer to avoid frustration and confusion down the line.

- After writing and running a program for the first time, check the reported measurements. If all is good, go back and refine the program to make it faster and more efficient, especially for high production parts.

- Create a rock solid manual and DCC alignment so that any operator can open the program and understand how to align it with minimal supervision, especially if the machine is in Operator mode.
  • Programming efforts need to be relative to what the routine's intended purpose is. Some of this is static for an organization, but can definitely vary by company or industry.

    Some things to consider before even pressing a single keystroke:
    -Is it for a one-off part or short production run?
    -Is it going to require MSA and/or validation?
    -Is it for high production/reliability?
    -Is there a way to consolidate or parametrically adapt method of measure for multiple parts or phases of the parts?
    -What are the common defects or failure modes of the part?
    -Who/what skillset is going to be physically executing the routine?
    -How does data need to be documented, controlled or exhibited?

    Would you say that it is important to learn the function and fit of the parts prior to programming as well? I find that it helps me understand the print better and helps me hone in on exactly how to approach the programming aspect of a project.
  • Haha I can't tell you how many times I've had to push back on people asking me to fudge the data or make a layout green when the part is bad. If you can't uphold your own professional integrity, what do you have left? I mean, really?
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