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CMM programmer demoted to CMM inspector

Hi Everyone,

I was hired as a CMM programmer in January and last week my manager that hired me left for another company. The new manager that they hired is always listening to whatever the supervisor that runs the quality department tells him. So if there is a hot part that he wants to be inspected, my new manager will pull me off a programming job and I will have to run the CMM. My manager also told the quality supervisor to use me if he needs help and now he is taking advantage of the opportunity. The quality supervisor is also having me check part marking and certs. I tried to bring up the situation to my manager and he just tell me that the quality supervisor needs extra help. My old manager always has me focus on programming and I have never had to run the CMM. Have anyone here ever been in a situation like this? I am worried that my programming skill will go down over time if I don't practice enough. I just started this job and I can't just leave for another company after one month because it will look bad on my resume. I know that there is a lot of shops looking for CMM programmers here in Canada.
  • I'm beginning to see why you were demoted, apparently you don't follow directions to well, like said This is an OFF-TOPIC subject. So with that being said, Sounds like your a company man "That's not my job." Sometimes in the real world it doesn't hurt to pitch in, in other places, that doesn't fit your job description. To me it doesn't look like he is taking advantage of you, he is utilizing your skills in other areas, especially with a labor shortage everywhere, because of lazy people, If somebody in the shipping department asked me to help. I could be a typical company man and say "That's not my job" or I can help the company that gives me a paycheck each week a helping hand, Which I believe nothing is to below me to do. If you are making $10 an hour, maybe I could see your argument. I think the only thing I can defend this is, If you feel of the extra stuff that you do, doesn't cover your wages, then ask for a raise. If not go shopping for a new job and be very vocal "I don't like to do more than my job description." People are very eager to hire people like that.
  • Sorry Don Ruggieri tried to cool this one down as much as I could. Also I know it isn't in your job description but could you move this to the OFF-Topic?
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