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CMM programmer demoted to CMM inspector

Hi Everyone,

I was hired as a CMM programmer in January and last week my manager that hired me left for another company. The new manager that they hired is always listening to whatever the supervisor that runs the quality department tells him. So if there is a hot part that he wants to be inspected, my new manager will pull me off a programming job and I will have to run the CMM. My manager also told the quality supervisor to use me if he needs help and now he is taking advantage of the opportunity. The quality supervisor is also having me check part marking and certs. I tried to bring up the situation to my manager and he just tell me that the quality supervisor needs extra help. My old manager always has me focus on programming and I have never had to run the CMM. Have anyone here ever been in a situation like this? I am worried that my programming skill will go down over time if I don't practice enough. I just started this job and I can't just leave for another company after one month because it will look bad on my resume. I know that there is a lot of shops looking for CMM programmers here in Canada.

  • That passes collision detection... Rolling eyes

    AMPLITUDE ERROR :scream;:scream;:scream;:scream;

  • AMPLITUDE ERROR :scream;:scream;:scream;:scream;

    Passes collision but, when ran on the CMM, it hits a Z axis limit error. Sunglasses

  • Passes collision but, when ran on the CMM, it hits a Z axis limit error. Sunglasses

    What sort of filter do I need to apply to a scan to remove the “crotchety old” points?ConfusedConfused

  • What sort of filter do I need to apply to a scan to remove the “crotchety old” points?ConfusedConfused

    The filter for that has not been made yet because "back in my day" crotchety old points were just manually ignored plus the old timers don't want that kind of newfangled contraption that they have to learn. some people are very "set in their ways" and would prefer to go back to the original version of DMIS or go back to using a granite table and a height gage to measure everything.

  • What sort of filter do I need to apply to a scan to remove the “crotchety old” points?ConfusedConfused

    That's the Joe Biden filter. He just sniffs them out.

  • That's the Joe Biden filter. He just sniffs them out.

    The filter needs to remove that moron. He is one of the problems in the America program.

  • I set the Hunter Biden Filter to 50 and the points are still there!!!:scream;

  • I recently heard that title was renamed for a male as a 'Neil'
  • I create 99% of the production programs for all CMMs ,Equators, and Faro Arm, mostly on the fly because they never tell me what is coming up next. Its mostly like we need all this now. When I do get a heads up on future parts coming in, I'm already neck deep with other work. I also design/3D print fixtures, clean scales as needed, troubleshoot hardware issues, submit non conformance reports, move CMMs around the shop as needed, manage all CMM calibrations, purchase any probing needed to complete inspections, late night/weekend callouts (usually minor issues like turning on monitors or unplugging/plugging back in usb wifi antennas, don't get me started), stop what you are doing and check this 1 off part that was returned and there isn't a cmm program for it, I have say on future CMM purchases, and defending my honor when engineering ask why certain features that can only be checked on a CMM are out of tolerance.

    How long have you been a sole programmer? Were you really demoted to in operator? Being a programmer or having programmer knowledge, I would use every trick in the book aka this forum to create amazing and robust programs as quickly as possible to be able to run more types of parts on the CMM. I would do my best to make the actual inspection as quick as possible as well without sacrificing quality accuracy. Like a CNC tool cut more than on feature, you might be able to get away with just checking 1 of those features instead of ever single feature. I'd make the CMM as efficient as possible so that it would give me time to work on other things like designing fixtures to 3D print or work on CMM sliding tables or maybe robot integration. Probably most important is time surfing this forum daily and saving code that could be useful in the future. I have a google doc with cool tricks or reminders on how to certain tasks that I might need in the future. Like the recent post about 3 different ways to extract a circle from a cylinder. I've never done that before or have been asked but that could come in handy some day.

  • I set the Hunter Biden Filter to 50 and the points are still there!!!:scream;


    Smoothing parameter should be set to "kids rubbing my leg hair"

    Cutoff should be set to 14 or less. anything over that doesn't smell... I mean measure as good.