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US Inflation

Not to stir up the hornets nest... but this inflation is wild.
The Consumer Price Index has gone up so much it is insane. (CPI is basically the calculation for the spending power of a US dollar.)

I highly recommend going and calculating your income from the beginning of 2021 vs what it should be now due to inflation.
Here is an example of what that would look like. I used $35 per hour because I thought that was probably a good square number that is reasonable for a programmers salary.

Here is the link to the calculator from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

Rant over sorry guys lol
  • The US has existed for ~250 years. If you tally up all of the money that has EVER been printed by the US Government, over 40% of that was printed during the pandemic.

    The economy never should have shut down. The people that shut us down violated our civil rights and then intentionally created massive inflation to cover for it/pacify us with $1200 checks as well as BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in loans. Your average Joe (who has been intentionally de-educated over the past 40 years) was happy to sit on their behind and collect free money (not having the ability to understand that his great-grand kids will be paying for it while they speak Chinese)

    I was all for the initial "2 weeks to slow the spread" thing. It made sense. Everything shuts down, except for bare essentials, for 2 week and everyone just avoids everyone. After 2 weeks, open it all up and treat everything like it's a really bad cold & flu season. That was what some of the European countries did and it worked. Though those countries didn't weaponize covid for political purposes.
  • Better watch out or the Ministry of Truth will shut down your digital currency bank account and disable your electric car.

    You must have missed the news yesterday. The Ministry of Truth has been put on hold and their leaded resigned. Apparently "excessive disinformation" about her and the entire thing has caused the Biden Admin to put a pause to the whole thing. So, the group created to fight disinformation, was taken down by disinformation. That's like the new definition of irony.
  • Right now is a bad time to buy, unless you are hedging on things getting worse. I am long term investing. Silver will most likely go up more but, it will go back down after a recession. Same thing happened years ago, when silver hit $40/ounce.
  • The inflation in Colorado is nuts. Home prices went 2x over the pandemic. Wages didn't go up to match because everyone thinks the prices will drop. Looking at the price of Gas, food, and other things people need/want, the inflation numbers they give are all wrong. Price of milk went from 2$ a gal, to 2.5$ a gal. Things that were a dollar are now 1.25$. I'm no math wiz, but that looks like a 25% inflation rate, not an 8%. That may not be the case every where, but in the places where people moved to in mass, that what we're seeing.

    The thing that makes me sleep at night is knowing that the Supreme Overlord Biden knows that this inflation is "transitory". smh.
  • The best investments right now are lead, brass, steel, and wood.
  • If it makes anyone feel better it is 50c corn dog day at Sonic today. (I am pretty sure this is nation wide)

    The thought of enjoying delicious 50c corn dogs for dinner makes everything seem like it will be okay, if even only for a minute.
  • I just saw a news report last night where gas station chains in some areas are having their pumps reprogrammed to display double digit prices. They are expecting gas to get to $10/gallon or more in some areas.

    I called that a couple months back already. We'll most likely see $10/gallon gas before Thanksgiving. I think something BIG is going to happen in August that will catapult that into existence. There is something that is supposed to happen, some kind of treaty/agreement or passage of law. I just can't recall what that is at the moment.

    Hopefully I am wrong.

  • I called that a couple months back already. We'll most likely see $10/gallon gas before Thanksgiving. I think something BIG is going to happen in August that will catapult that into existence. There is something that is supposed to happen, some kind of treaty/agreement or passage of law. I just can't recall what that is at the moment.

    Hopefully I am wrong.

    I'm still holding out on my covid variant lockdown prediction. That gives everyone enough time to orchestrate all the perfectly safe mail in ballot shenanigans for November. I could see them working in a 'lockdowns mean higher gas prices' angle into it though.

  • I'm still holding out on my covid variant lockdown prediction. That gives everyone enough time to orchestrate all the perfectly safe mail in ballot shenanigans for November. I could see them working in a 'lockdowns mean higher gas prices' angle into it though.

    Don't forget about "climate change" as well.

    "We need to fight gas prices. The only way to do that is to get away from gas dependency. This will help reduce climate change." - Politician talking point
  • Yeah, I know. The spot price was the lowest in a long time, but the dealer fee makes it hard to pull the trigger.