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Polyworks 3D scan to CAD

Hey guys. Have you all used a 3d scanner to create cad files? We have a romer arm with polyworks. We would like to scan some end of arm tools here and convert the pointcloud into a useable CAD file that we can 3D print.

Have you all done anything like this and how did it turn out? any advice? software suggestions? Tips and Tricks? Is it worth the time and effort?

We spend 4k on each of the parts we want to replace and this method could potentially save us tons of money.
  • I do this type of thing regularly at work. It does work well with modeler, but it takes a long time to make effective stp files from the point clouds.

    This does depend on the size and types of features you're looking to capture. If it is a smaller part 3" x 3" x 3" with limited freeform surfaces then it would take a couple hours to develop a good solid model.

    For things such as an oil pan with more freeform surfaces, it usually takes 8 hours or so.

    Solidworks used side by side with Polyworks has been beneficial when needing to edit features or fixing small things with the model
  • The solidworks portion is definitely beneficial and like you said about it having a one time payment helps reduce cost. I still am learning more about solidworks every time I use it so I know there is a lot more to it than what I'm capable of so far
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