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Gas Prices

So gas just went over $5/gallon this weekend in my area. I've always been someone that likes to be self sufficient and make my own stuff rather than buy it, especially if it costs too much to buy.

So, anyone know of any good DIY oil well and/or oil refinery websites?

If it works out, maybe I can even start my own company and sell it on Etsy. I'll call it Let's Go Brandon Oil & Gas.
  • America has been a country for ~250 years. If you tally up the ENTIRE amount of money that has been printed by our Government, over 40% of it was printed during the pandemic.

    Printing worthless money & handing it out to the lemmings so they could pretend they make almost as much money as an educated person for a change was a direct attack on our country from the inside.

    Our politicians should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

    They never should have closed down our economy. The USA should have been a shining beacon of freedom. It should have flourished while all of these countries with lesser rights bowed to their fear.

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • America has been a country for ~250 years. If you tally up the ENTIRE amount of money that has been printed by our Government, over 40% of it was printed during the pandemic.

    Printing worthless money & handing it out to the lemmings so they could pretend they make almost as much money as an educated person for a change was a direct attack on our country from the inside.

    Our politicians should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

    They never should have closed down our economy. The USA should have been a shining beacon of freedom. It should have flourished while all of these countries with lesser rights bowed to their fear.

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
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