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Calibration. Different results

I greet you all, colleagues.
I have a small problem that tends to come and go when calibrating angles. I work with many styli and use a 9-slot magazine for this. Each stylus has about 10 different angle positions. When I did the calibration, two angles on different probes were out of tolerance. One probe has a CM25-2 probe and the other CM25-3. And at the same time, PSDMIS accepts the calibration result without asking the operator. The next day I did a similar calibration and the result was OK.And always out-of-tolerance angles equal to A90 or more than A90 It is very strange . I have been working in this mode for 3 years and there were no such problems. And this year it started. I check the probes visually and do the cleaning before each calibration the same way always. What could be the problem ?

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  • About the best country of the world and History...
    Could we ask American Natives opinion ???????? African americans ??????? Passengers of the "Saint-Louis", in 1939 ?
    Maybe there can be different opinions from different peoples, in the same place, at the same moment...
    A lot of actual problems come from Yalta, but not only... I'm not sure that Iraqis, Afghans, Lybians (...) are more happy now than before western operations.

    We could also ask the Cathars... oh they were wiped out by the French per the Pope. How about those conquered by Louis XI? Maybe the Habsburg dynasty... oh they are gone too. Those that opposed Cardinal Richelieu? Those conquered by Louis XIV? How about the common folk during the reign of Louis XVI? Maybe the Russians that Napoleon declared war upon? Then there is Vichy France... you know, the ones that sided with Germany in WWII. We can also go into all the atrocities that occurred in the name of colonial expansion... like Vietnam.

    Also, the St. Louis was a single ship turned away by multiple countries and nobody was actually harmed. We were in the middle of a depression and already accepted millions of immigrants. You'll have to excuse us for turning a few away once in a while.
  • About the best country of the world and History...
    Could we ask American Natives opinion ???????? African americans ??????? Passengers of the "Saint-Louis", in 1939 ?
    Maybe there can be different opinions from different peoples, in the same place, at the same moment...
    A lot of actual problems come from Yalta, but not only... I'm not sure that Iraqis, Afghans, Lybians (...) are more happy now than before western operations.

    We could also ask the Cathars... oh they were wiped out by the French per the Pope. How about those conquered by Louis XI? Maybe the Habsburg dynasty... oh they are gone too. Those that opposed Cardinal Richelieu? Those conquered by Louis XIV? How about the common folk during the reign of Louis XVI? Maybe the Russians that Napoleon declared war upon? Then there is Vichy France... you know, the ones that sided with Germany in WWII. We can also go into all the atrocities that occurred in the name of colonial expansion... like Vietnam.

    Also, the St. Louis was a single ship turned away by multiple countries and nobody was actually harmed. We were in the middle of a depression and already accepted millions of immigrants. You'll have to excuse us for turning a few away once in a while.
  • Before 1600-1640 ( end of LouisXIII and Richelieu), the ancestors of actual white Americans were all European, so the responsibilities are shared Wink.

    About Vichy, the US politic was not very clear Disappointed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_relations_of_Vichy_France)
    The United States granted Vichy full diplomatic recognition, sending Admiral William D. Leahy to France as ambassador. President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull hoped to use American influence to encourage those elements in the Vichy government opposed to military collaboration with Germany.[6] U.S. attempts to work with the Vichy regime strained Anglo-American relations, as the British considered the Vichy regime to be firmly subservient to Nazi Germany.[6] The Americans also hoped to encourage Vichy to resist German war demands, such as for the fleet, air bases in French-mandated Syria or to move war supplies through French territories in North Africa. The essential American position was that France should take no action not explicitly required by the armistice terms that could adversely affect Allied efforts in the war. The Americans ended relations when Germany occupied all of France in late 1942.[7]

    The American position towards Vichy France and de Gaulle was especially hesitant and inconsistent. Roosevelt disliked Charles de Gaulle, and agreed with Ambassador Leahy's view that he was an "apprentice dictator".[8]

    Preparing for a landing in North Africa in late 1942, the US looked for a senior French ally. They turned to Henri Giraud shortly before the landing on 8 November 1942. Finally, after François Darlan's turn towards the Free Forces, they played him against de Gaulle. US General Mark W. Clark of the combined Allied command signed a deal with Admiral Darlan on 22 November 1942 a deal in which the Allies recognized Darlan, as high commissioner for North and West Africa.[9] Darlan was assassinated on 24 December 1942 and so Washington turned again towards Giraud, who was made High Commissioner of French North and West Africa. British resident minister Harold Macmillan brought together de Gaulle and Giraud, disparate personalities and quite hostile to each other, to serve as co-chairmen of the Committee of National Liberation. De Gaulle built a strong political base, but Giraud failed to do so and was displaced by de Gaulle.[10]

    And about Vietnam...

    Once again, my goal is not to say who is the good and who is bad, I believe we're all bad !
  • So, we go all the way back and we all came from cavemen. I guess everyone is to blame for everything because we all share an ancestor if you go back far enough.

    The U.S. tried diplomacy with Vichy France and realized that they were a puppet state to Germany. Per your 1st point, we are all related so everyone is to blame again.

    And about Vietnam, France created the issue with a failed colonization attempt. But, once again, it's everyone's fault because we are all related.

    I didn't think it was possible but, your attempt to defend France is actually worse that the Maginot Line.
  • You say you like the story but you look at it with unparalleled bad faith.
    You forget where you come from and blame others for their past.
    There's no point arguing with you.
  • Just because I bring up dark times and things you don't like, doesn't mean I have bad faith. The scope of the discussion focused on the low points specifically. You opened the door. I just walked through it.

    I do not forget where I came from. My ancestors were persecuted, subjugated, enslaved and slaughtered by the French. Yet I hold no ill will towards France. It is almost literally ancient history. I'm not blaming anyone for their past either. Very few people alive today are responsible for anything in the past. There is, in most cases, nobody left to blame. You brought up dark moments in U.S. history so I brought up dark moments in French history. Much of the world thinks Americans are so deficient in their own history that they couldn't possibly know other countries' histories. Turns out, I'm not like most Americans. History was the one class I didn't sleep through.
  • You wrote :
    "I just find it funny that someone from Germany would be bringing up past war crimes/atrocities of other countries. "
    I don't see anything funny in this !
  • It is funny in the "pot calling the kettle black" context, not the funny " ha ha" context. Obviously, the irony was lost in translation. I can see that I have clearly triggered you, I apologize. France is awesome, France is great, it is the most bestest country in the entire world.
  • " France is awesome, France is great, it is the most bestest country in the entire world" : still disagree with this, we have, we had and we will have some stupid peoples, like everywhere (not less, no more Slight smile)...
    Maybe we could stop here ?

    PS : if you slept during trig lessons, I recommend the excellent post about it, in "tip and tricks" Wink (I hope the irony is visible, otherwise you will find me arrogant !)