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Calibration. Different results

I greet you all, colleagues.
I have a small problem that tends to come and go when calibrating angles. I work with many styli and use a 9-slot magazine for this. Each stylus has about 10 different angle positions. When I did the calibration, two angles on different probes were out of tolerance. One probe has a CM25-2 probe and the other CM25-3. And at the same time, PSDMIS accepts the calibration result without asking the operator. The next day I did a similar calibration and the result was OK.And always out-of-tolerance angles equal to A90 or more than A90 It is very strange . I have been working in this mode for 3 years and there were no such problems. And this year it started. I check the probes visually and do the cleaning before each calibration the same way always. What could be the problem ?

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  • Pootie needs to put his shirt back on and stop doing warcrimes
  • Hi all,
    As I'm sure that the question is about calibration and not war, I believe that any answer could be usefull for anyone here, russian or not !
    Sergiy, i think the rotation head is missaligned, because of more than 1 mm difference between theo and meas on 2 axes at A90.
    In addition, you're using a 10 mm ball, so, function of the sphere stem, maybe some hits shank the stem (even if the std dev seems to be right.
    I don't know enough about SP25 to help you more...
  • All refugees are not being handed cars some may have been as a stunt you need to get better informed.
  • Ok I will tell the Romanians, Bulgarians, and the Polish, That the pictures their families are taking are completely fabricated, My Fiancé is Bulgarian. I'm not saying all of them, Guess I will have to tell all of them they all need to get their information from England or America? Since both of these countries are right next to the firing line. Rolling eyes I'm not going to get in deep with this, but it definitely raised my eyebrows. But here is one thought to ponder on, America has sent Billions of dollars to Ukraine, If your country is getting blown up what can you actually buy, with the money we sent? how does money help you in a war? what and where can you use this money? If I'm in a war, I need a guns or ammo, money doesn't buy me anything, when my local store has been blown up. I would think you need food and weapons. Not brand new Mercedes or the useless dollar.
  • and no I am not yelling at you or saying your wrong, It's just kinda of weird how I'm hearing and seeing the same stories from different countries, but my country and yours. Unless you are soldier in the trenches and you can show me something different then, what they are actually showing me. I tend to believe everyday people over famous people.
  • Again no idea where you are getting your information I can find no reference to people getting given cars. When I asked the Ukrainian refugee family one of my friends is hosting they just looked at me in disbelief that this was being spread around as they had never heard of it. So if you can give any citations of the news site that this. As for the money why wouldn't the Ukrainian government need cash they are buying weapons from many countries, not all weapons are being given for free.
  • First of all, why are the Ukrainians always asking for more weapons, I have never heard them say, we need more money. Second of all, I stated not getting this from any news station. I get this information from families of co-workers, family of friends of mine, who show me personal videos from their families who live in Poland, who live in Romania, and of course my future mother-in-law, and brother in law, from Bulgaria. I'm pretty sure total strangers from different countries, didn't collaborate and come up with Identical stories and video's to back up the same result. I'm not a reporter, and I' will not expose the people who shared these wonderful stories, but maybe your one example, got the short end of that stick, Maybe they can run back and get a part of that deal.
  • One more thought, how about they give money to manufacturers of weapons, here in the US or the UK, and our companies can produce the weapons, for Ukraine? That way we can trace where the money actually is going. Cuts out the middle man << or the corrupt, and it puts bread on the table for you and I?
  • Jeff , my respect for You . I thank you for Your experience, with which You help many in the world of geometry, and me too.
    At the moment , I am in touch with official HEXAGON support . I'm trying to figure out a solution to these instabilities. As soon as I find the answer , I will definitely tell You about the result .
  • Hi , just a thought :
    Could you change decimal place to 4 and post some results ?
    You could also change the sphere axis (for example I 0.707,J 0, K 0.707) and look at the results.
    Then, measure the sphere withe the same number of hits and the same number of rows, and check the form.
    Have a nice day, all.