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OFF-TOPIC got really boring.... What you all been up to ?

TO start it off.... I hunt and train pointing dogs in my off time. 100+ birds in the bag this fall ( and a few deer ) and the Lakes froze over last weekend so some hard water fishing happening in Minesoooootahhh !!!

What you all been up to ?
  • TO start it off.... I hunt and train pointing dogs in my off time. 100+ birds in the bag this fall ( and a few deer ) and the Lakes froze over last weekend so some hard water fishing happening in Minesoooootahhh !!!

    What you all been up to ?

    I'm watching the lakes here in Michigan, ready for ice fishing.

    My brother bought a house that was like one of those zombie houses that people flip. I've spent the past few months doing plumbing, electrical, kitchen remodeling and general house renovations.

    I also just started up the forge and started the forging season off with a paring knife:

  • Nice!! I once made a wood carving knife from an old drill bit and my blow torch and I carved out a piece of walnut for the handle. I would love to get more into it, but I have so many hobbies that Ive become a jack of all trades and king of nothing haha
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