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Validate my method is fine please (programmers differ in opinion)

Good Morning Interweb,

So I have a simple alignment. Plane A, circle B, circle C. I Leveled to the plane A and origin Z to it. Translate XY to circle B. Rotate to a line made from B to C. Done.

A different programmer believes I must rotate before translating.... I totally disagree on this simple alignment. Using Legacy btw.

Without being degrading... please reply.
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  • that is how it works in the 'quick alignment' option, and many years ago, when people were getting nominals changing in the programs, it was traced back to this method BY TECH SUPPORT, and no matter how many times it was brought up with the code monkeys, they would not change the quick menu alignment method. TECH support proved that you can get nominals changing if you don't have ONE alignment that locks all 6 DOF. It may only happen once in 10 programs or once in 10,000, but ONCE is too many no matter out of however many times.

    You can continue to do that 'progressive' style of alignment, BUT, for safety, the last one MUST control all 6 DOF. Takes only a couple seconds to do, and that is a cheap insurance policy. I do not know if they ever 'fixed' that bug, but I've not heard that they have.
  • I always level, rotate, and then origin. I've actually only done plane line point on the test block messing around. I still did level, rotate, origin with that as well. I use cad 99.9% of the time and I wondered if the progressive style would be better to someone without a cad model. idk.
  • IMO the only time the progressive alignment is actually useful is when your plane (for the alignment) is NOT a machine plane (as in, not square to a machine axis). I work with fixtures 99.999% of the time. They are flat to the machine. A plane on the fixture will show a MACHINE ALIGNMENT vector of 0.99999997 or some such. THAT is plenty close enough for you to measure a line or a circle and still get a manual alignment that is WAY MORE accurate than needed for the DCC alignment. It really is needed for portable arms, but not so much on a cmm machine.
  • I was taught (burnt n learnt with noms changing) that you have to level, rotate, origin then offset as needed. If you use a best fist for anything you need to lock the 6 DOF, then in another alignment following the lock down alignment use the best fit as needed. Another thing is when I create the 1st full 6 DOF alignment is to recall the STARTUP alignment to clear out anything that you or the software has inadvertently fubared