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How Did You Get Into CMM Programming?

Just as the title says - how'd you first make your stake as a CMM programmer?

For me it was when a recruiter on LinkedIn randomly reached out to me asking if I was interested in being a Metrologist for an international company while I was working as a Quality Inspector at a job shop in 2020, just before the pandemic. I knew nothing about Metrology/CMM programming until I blew the technical portion of the interview process and got hired anyway haha! Ended up being mentored by a professional for 2 years before moving onto a specialized CMM programming gig at another company in 2022.

I figured - as it seems like a lot of us got on-the-job training for CMM programming, you guys/gals must have some interesting stories to share about how you got to where you are now, as CMM programmers.
  • Most get here on accident. I've spent the last 15 years helping folks get in to it- mostly good fundamental machinists who showed an interest. Help lots of guys.
    Myself- just got lucky Slight smile Or unlucky depending on how you look at it ;-)
  • After obtaining a mechanical engineering degree, I started my career as a mechanical drafter at a large tech company. After a couple months, my manager asked me to learn how to use the Gom 3D scanner we had in our office. A few months after figuring that out, I was placed in a brand new metrology lab as the sole employee. Needless to say, I didn't know anything, and was unqualified to be the "metrology guy" at our company. But after several offsite training sessions and a lot of self-study and practice, I was up and running.

    I started off only using the 3D scanner, but we eventually purchased an OGP SmartScope Quest 800 multisensor vision measuring machine. I hated (and still hate) Zone3 due to all of its bugs, but I am thankful for the start it gave me in the metrology field and using a CMM. I no longer work at that company, but I still work in the metrology field, I still use CMMs, and as a self-proclaimed metrology nerd, I'm still loving it!
  • I woke up one morning three months ago at a CMM, not knowing how I got there. And now that I'm here, I honestly don't know how long I'm going to last. I see all these posts here and just feel dumber with each one I read. If anyone has any words of encouragement, I could use some right now. Maybe I should just go back to making books...
  • I woke up one morning three months ago at a CMM, not knowing how I got there. And now that I'm here, I honestly don't know how long I'm going to last. I see all these posts here and just feel dumber with each one I read. If anyone has any words of encouragement, I could use some right now. Maybe I should just go back to making books...

    It takes longer to become good at programming than people think. I'd write programs, look at them a few months later and think wow that was stupid. Eventually it clicked and I've been programming for over 35 years. I've been using PC DMIS for the last 22 and I still learn new things about the software every year.
  • I was tricked into an inspection position about 22 years ago. That evolved into a supervisor position with CMM duties. Eventually I got offered to have my lvl1 certifications paid for and eventually lvl2 when the main programmer had quit. I've been a senior programmer for the last 10 years now. Still learning though...lol
    I was initially lured by the promise of more money, fame and glory. I'm still waiting to get the fame and glory. Rolling eyes
  • I was tricked into an inspection position about 22 years ago. That evolved into a supervisor position with CMM duties. Eventually I got offered to have my lvl1 certifications paid for and eventually lvl2 when the main programmer had quit. I've been a senior programmer for the last 10 years now. Still learning though...lol
    I was initially lured by the promise of more money, fame and glory. I'm still waiting to get the fame and glory. Rolling eyes

    The only way to achieve true CMM glory is to out program at Klingon.... in battle:

    It is ALWAYS a good day to program.
  • We need a new thread..... HOW TO YOU GET OUT OF CMM PROGRAMMING !!!!

    I work in estimating now. Im good at it. I Estimate that inspection is now your problem....... Slight smile

    That being said, Im calling out print issue before hand and it makes things easier down the line.
  • We need a new thread..... HOW TO YOU GET OUT OF CMM PROGRAMMING !!!!

    I work in estimating now. Im good at it. I Estimate that inspection is now your problem....... Slight smile

    That being said, Im calling out print issue before hand and it makes things easier down the line.

    I got out by learning PLC programming. Now, I terribly miss the precision world but, can't seem to figure out how to go back without losing a ton of salary.