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Before anyone begins making allegations, the Beer thread was not deleted on purpose.

While cleaning up old off-topic threads I inadvertently missed excluding that one. As a way to make up for it, I've reinstated the rep points.

Forum Admin

  • I am enjoying a Paulaner Salvator Double Bock with my dinner this evening. I also picked up the Shiner Black, a Three Philosophers and the Ommegang Abby Ale called Hennepin. Those were the only two Ommegang products they had, the guy said they used to get the Trappist ale in but stopped for some reason. He said he would try to get some more in.

    I probably won't touch more than the Double Bock tonight. It is very good and I can see how if this is what you were expecting Shiner Bock would be a let down, but it is not fair to compare a single bock to a double or tripple bock, now is it? I will continue to look for a single bock from a highly reputable brewery to compare to Shiner.

    BTW, I was hoping to find the Dogfish 120 minute to give it a whirl, but $9.00 for 12 oz ! ! ! By the time I found it I already had a good load of beer and whiskey so . . . next time I will grudgingly fork over $9.00 for 4 of the 90 minute and see if their claim of "best IPA in America" is valid. If it is I might try the 120.

    Now I have to get to the Whiskey thread because. . .


    Ommegang's flagship label is not a Trappist but an Abbey. There are only 6 Trappist breweries in the world. I want to say 5 are in Beligium and one is either Bavaria or France, not sure. To be a Trappist it has to be brewed under supervision of monks. That is the only difference. It can be any variety of a Belgian (Abbey, tripple Abbey, whatever as long as it is Belgian style) but to be a Trappist it must be brewed under the supervision of monks, I don't think it has to be brewed at a monestary but I do believe that the majority of the 6 remaining Trappist brews are. The Hennepin is not my favorite. It is good but you will find it unique in a way that you either like it or not. It is what is called a farm house ale. It is brewed with wild yeast.

    I hope you mean $9.00 for 4 12 oz bottles...............
    I am not sure what is here, but will look next time I go to the store.
    Almost bought Shiner Bock Friday Night, but Ommegang Abbey Ale and GLBC Commodore Perry IPA won out. I will make a point of trying Shiner Bock some day soon.


    120 minute IPA is around $8 for a single 12oz bottle here so I must believe that in TX it would run around $9. It is brewed in MD, remember it is like 20% abv. The 90 minute is close to 9% and the 60 minute is close to 6% if I am not mistaken. The minute thing refers to the boil duration. Dogfish continuously hops throughout the boil.

    Craig how far are you from Emmaus Pa. Place called Shaggy's siad to have over 3000 kinds of brews

    Allentown, probably about 3 hours.
  • I am enjoying a Paulaner Salvator Double Bock with my dinner this evening. I also picked up the Shiner Black, a Three Philosophers and the Ommegang Abby Ale called Hennepin. Those were the only two Ommegang products they had, the guy said they used to get the Trappist ale in but stopped for some reason. He said he would try to get some more in.

    I probably won't touch more than the Double Bock tonight. It is very good and I can see how if this is what you were expecting Shiner Bock would be a let down, but it is not fair to compare a single bock to a double or tripple bock, now is it? I will continue to look for a single bock from a highly reputable brewery to compare to Shiner.

    BTW, I was hoping to find the Dogfish 120 minute to give it a whirl, but $9.00 for 12 oz ! ! ! By the time I found it I already had a good load of beer and whiskey so . . . next time I will grudgingly fork over $9.00 for 4 of the 90 minute and see if their claim of "best IPA in America" is valid. If it is I might try the 120.

    Now I have to get to the Whiskey thread because. . .


    Ommegang's flagship label is not a Trappist but an Abbey. There are only 6 Trappist breweries in the world. I want to say 5 are in Beligium and one is either Bavaria or France, not sure. To be a Trappist it has to be brewed under supervision of monks. That is the only difference. It can be any variety of a Belgian (Abbey, tripple Abbey, whatever as long as it is Belgian style) but to be a Trappist it must be brewed under the supervision of monks, I don't think it has to be brewed at a monestary but I do believe that the majority of the 6 remaining Trappist brews are. The Hennepin is not my favorite. It is good but you will find it unique in a way that you either like it or not. It is what is called a farm house ale. It is brewed with wild yeast.

    I hope you mean $9.00 for 4 12 oz bottles...............
    I am not sure what is here, but will look next time I go to the store.
    Almost bought Shiner Bock Friday Night, but Ommegang Abbey Ale and GLBC Commodore Perry IPA won out. I will make a point of trying Shiner Bock some day soon.


    120 minute IPA is around $8 for a single 12oz bottle here so I must believe that in TX it would run around $9. It is brewed in MD, remember it is like 20% abv. The 90 minute is close to 9% and the 60 minute is close to 6% if I am not mistaken. The minute thing refers to the boil duration. Dogfish continuously hops throughout the boil.

    Craig how far are you from Emmaus Pa. Place called Shaggy's siad to have over 3000 kinds of brews

    Allentown, probably about 3 hours.
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