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Before anyone begins making allegations, the Beer thread was not deleted on purpose.

While cleaning up old off-topic threads I inadvertently missed excluding that one. As a way to make up for it, I've reinstated the rep points.

Forum Admin

  • Stopped at Giant Eagle (grocery) to get prescription filled. Different store than I normally go to. No Ommegang. Went to the beverage / brewing / winemaking store across the street. Ommegang Abbey was $4.99 for 750 ml, Hennepin and Rare Vos $5.99, Chocolate Indulgence $9.99. Didn't get any of those. Picked up a six of the Breckenridge Vanilla Porter and a 22 oz of Stone Brewings Double B@st@rd. Never saw that before.
    The bottle says, "This is on lacerative muther of a beer."

    I will post once I drink it.
  • I am currently partaking in this very good brew, 22 oz. bottle, and 10 % ABV. Malty and hoppy, I love it. As I mentioned in my last post, I have never had it before. Whilst researching it, I discover there is an "Oaked Arrogant B@st@rd Ale". Perhaps that will be a venture I will attack soon.
    This link leads me to believe that a certain whiskey drinker is moonlighting as a writer for Stone Brewing. I won't tell you who, WES! out of respect for that gentleman. WES! WES! WES!Wink
    A note to all, I would NOT recommend this to anyone that finds bitterness in beer to be a bad thing. While showing a bitter aftertaste, this beer starts sweet, with an obvious alcohol mouthfeel. Despite that, it has a thick, malty presence. To me, that is a contradiction in terms that makes this beer interesting. As I understand it, the Double B@st@rd is a seasonal release in November. It is to celebrate the anniversery of the original Arrogant B@st@rd Ale.
  • I started reading this thread, and somewhere around page 7 or 8, "packaged booze" was mentioned. This lead to the comment " buckets O' booze". I reminded me of a weekend long ago..........

    It was the Thursday before Memorial Day Weekend, the beginning of summer here in Cleveland. A co-worker and I were taking his boat to South Bass Island for the weekend. Put-In-Bay to be more exact. This was to be a weekend of lounging on the boat, drinking beer, and whatever other alcohol we could get our hands on. Since we arrived Thursday evening, the prime spots right against the dock were taken. We rafted off of another boat. Four deep was the rule, and by midnight, it had happened.
    One of the nights, we walked to a bar called The Round House Bar , for obvious reasons. We purchased 2 buckets of beer. True to the name we were given a buckets full of draft beer, and some cups to dip into the beer. Sadly, we found them to be empty as the band finished its first set. One of the young ladies with us offered to buy the next two buckets. As the line was quite long, I was becoming parched. I soon noticed a very trusting gentleman holding his half full bucket just below his waist and off to his side. The slight buzz and the excitement of the long weekend, helped me to gather the courage to not only dip my cup, but three more in order to fill my buddies and 2 of the 3 girls with us. The third returned with full buckets as we finished off our "free" beers.
    Never again have I seen beer served in quite that manner. The only time I have seen alcohol served in a more interesting manner, was wine from a bug sprayer that same weekend. I will save that story for another day.
  • I drank the 3 Philosopher's on Friday night. It was good. The label had a quote by Plato, which got me to wondering if anyone knows who the 3 Philosophers are/were and how this beverage came by this name? Something about it made me think of wine more than beer. It was not the fruit, which is so subtle it would likely go unnoticed if the label did not declare it's presence. I think it was more the texture/mouthfeel that gave the impression of wine.

    I drank the Hennepin last night. It too was good. I don't have lot to say about it though.
  • I had a bottle of the Chimay Blue this weekend. Very Good at the top of my list.
    I had to remind myself to sip not gulp this one. After one bottle I had the start of a lil buzz going at 9% abv. Very good taste not hoppy but a bit more on the sweet side.
    If you haven't yet try it you won't be sorry.
  • Yeah Wes the complexities of Belgians are typically compared to wine. Belgians are a bridge in many cases that wine drinkers cross over to beer by. I think it is because there are many flavors in a Belgian that are described in a manner that is not consistent with the actual ingredients much in the same way wine is described. ie. "Fig" flavor, or certain spices when in fact those items are not actually in the beer.

    Tom, that Chimay is excelent. Now you need to get some Ommegang, half the price and just as good.....
  • New drinking game:

    Every time a Republican candidate mentions Ronald Reagan or a Democrat candidate mentions change - drink.
