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Forum Migration message?

Man, that message at the top of this forum scares me.
This forum has such a wealth of knowledge and is a DeFacto community of peers, with which, we have developed relationships. If it gets wiped, or reorganized, it will negatively impact the knowledgebase as well as the relationships we've developed (ie the off-topic section, private message history, "tenure" and "experience" ratings etc).

Does anyone have the details of what's to come, as well as what's going to happen with this current forum?

Is Hexagon going to fire off another NJB (Next JogBox) flop, by implementing some engineering solution with ZERO "VOC" (Voice Of Customer) or end-user input?

Or is the sky falling and i'm chicken little?
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  • I haven't yet figured out how to get to the forum except thru the email notification messages.  The Nexus concept is extremely flawed.  Sales is assuming that everyone is interested in all the bazillion things that Hexagon offers.  I doubt that there's anyone's company that has more than 2 or 3 of Hexagons products.  It's doubtful that any company with a Hexagon product(s) has more than one group that uses them.   It's like I go to Wally mart and buy milk but Wally world decides to blast me with photofinishing, pharmacy, canned goods and mens wear.   A link to some Nexus training would do wonders but I guess I don't have a SMA.