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Ok, now I found a major annoyance. I have kept a spreadsheet of links to the forum posts that I have found particularly helpful. None of those links work anymore.
I can probably still access them through, but that site is blocked at my company
The team are working on a solution to assist with broken links.
Can you provide a sample link that you had saved for reference
Nexus equivalent link is:
Marie, That would be great! I see bfire already provided an example. Here are a two more.
Thanks for the examples Cris_C . I see you have a link from the "pc-dmis-for-cmms" forum and another for the "tips-tricks". Do you have any examples from any of the others - vision, portable etc?
I'm writing a script that parses the old link to pull out the numerical ID and then cross references it with a look-up table I've been given to find the equivalent nexus link. I want to make sure I have all the bases covered before making it available.
Thanks for the examples Cris_C . I see you have a link from the "pc-dmis-for-cmms" forum and another for the "tips-tricks". Do you have any examples from any of the others - vision, portable etc?
I'm writing a script that parses the old link to pull out the numerical ID and then cross references it with a look-up table I've been given to find the equivalent nexus link. I want to make sure I have all the bases covered before making it available.
The only other link source example I can offer is from "pc-dmis-code-samples".
Oops. Spoke too soon. Looks like I actually chose to save a link from the off-topic section at some point. I guess off-topic got off-topic and talked about work.
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