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Wow.... thanks for that dreary bit of news. Now I'm grumpy. Can't even use google to look at old posts.
If your forums work the way ours do, the numbers never match. There's some kind of hidden mechanism where your points are based on a "what have you done for me lately" system (or something like that). One of our two primary forums doesn't even register any of the reputation -- not that it really matters a LOT, but it can assist with knowing when someone (probably) knows what they're talking about vs not...
Profile score:
"Forum/Leaderboard" (?) score:
I think one of them is considered "reputation" and the other... is just a score? It's all fairly nonsense.
So, a social credit system....
The team are working on a solution to assist with broken links.
Can you provide a sample link that you had saved for reference
Thread moved from PC-DMIS for CMM's.
Continue discussion and comments in Off-Topic forum.
I need more meow meow beans.
Nexus equivalent link is:
Marie, That would be great! I see bfire already provided an example. Here are a two more.
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