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Radius Not Enough % of a Circle

Most of our prints have radii that are impossible to measure accurate/repeatably because there is not enough % of a full circle:

I could use a polar radius, but isn't that essentially just Profile of a Surface to datums? And it would not be measuring per print.

Are there any other ideas that I'm missing? I've asked a few of the engineers to correct this on the print side of things, but I haven't been able to get through. At this point I'm just adding a report comment "THE FOLLOWING DIMENSION IS NOT ACCURATE."

Thanks for your input!

Parents Reply
  • Haha, same as the last thread. True, maybe in this example I just use a radius gage They are trying to hold ±.005 tolerance on a 50° radius though.

    I'll definitely have to look into this "fixed radius" thing! Sometimes they put locational dimensions on these 50° radii. It sounds like the "fixed radius" might help for that?

    One time there was a ±.001 tolerance on both the size and location...
