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Need help on OUTTOL.BAS file

I have used this script many time and have even made a couple minor mods.
Here is my issue. It is looking for "END OF DIMENSION" and profiles and distances do not have this. It skips over and ignore those. Anybody have an idea as to how I can mod this script to do this ???

Time is critical, I appreciate anyone who responds and helps !!

For Each Cmd In Cmds
    ' if the command of the current iteration is a dimension ...
    If Cmd.IsDimension Then
      ' and it is not a start or end dimension object ...
         Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
        ' then get the dimensioncommand object from the command
        Set DimCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
        ' If it is out of tolerance, increment numberout, otherwise increment numberin
        If DimCmd.OutTol > 0 Then
          NumberOut = NumberOut + 1
  • I'm not sure that there is a seperate profile axis. I think that it is covered under location axis. But then again the version that I wrote this for (3.7) doesn't have all of that funky XactMeasure stuff either. Is this not picking up your profiles?

    I had that issue initially and changed it back to legacy dims, we are using 2009 version with this right now. I tried TP, thats picks it up fine, but what about keyed in, or profiles. It seems to be ignoring them altogether...not sure what to try and add now...hmmmm
  • I'm not sure that there is a seperate profile axis. I think that it is covered under location axis. But then again the version that I wrote this for (3.7) doesn't have all of that funky XactMeasure stuff either. Is this not picking up your profiles?

    I had that issue initially and changed it back to legacy dims, we are using 2009 version with this right now. I tried TP, thats picks it up fine, but what about keyed in, or profiles. It seems to be ignoring them altogether...not sure what to try and add now...hmmmm
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