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Need help on OUTTOL.BAS file

I have used this script many time and have even made a couple minor mods.
Here is my issue. It is looking for "END OF DIMENSION" and profiles and distances do not have this. It skips over and ignore those. Anybody have an idea as to how I can mod this script to do this ???

Time is critical, I appreciate anyone who responds and helps !!

For Each Cmd In Cmds
    ' if the command of the current iteration is a dimension ...
    If Cmd.IsDimension Then
      ' and it is not a start or end dimension object ...
         Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
        ' then get the dimensioncommand object from the command
        Set DimCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
        ' If it is out of tolerance, increment numberout, otherwise increment numberin
        If DimCmd.OutTol > 0 Then
          NumberOut = NumberOut + 1
  • I'm not sure that there is a seperate profile axis. I think that it is covered under location axis. But then again the version that I wrote this for (3.7) doesn't have all of that funky XactMeasure stuff either. Is this not picking up your profiles?

    I had that issue initially and changed it back to legacy dims, we are using 2009 version with this right now. I tried TP, thats picks it up fine, but what about keyed in, or profiles. It seems to be ignoring them altogether...not sure what to try and add now...hmmmm
  • Try changing the code I just posted for your purposes and using the entire chunk. Jan's method is pretty solid, and works for Xact measure and Legacy dimensions very well. I was fooling around with craiger's original OUTTOL.BAS for a long time, and finally grabbed jan's because I had basically rewritten it to look like his anyways.
  • I had that issue initially and changed it back to legacy dims, we are using 2009 version with this right now. I tried TP, thats picks it up fine, but what about keyed in, or profiles. It seems to be ignoring them altogether...not sure what to try and add now...hmmmm

    I don't have 2k9 so I'm not sure what the heck may have changed. The place that I got the info for the IsLocationAxis/IsTurePosAxis info was under the properties of the DimensionCommand Object in the help file. Maybe in there it will have more of these types of properties listed if there are any.

    It does seem to get profiles and keyins ok for me.
  • Try changing the code I just posted for your purposes and using the entire chunk. Jan's method is pretty solid, and works for Xact measure and Legacy dimensions very well. I was fooling around with craiger's original OUTTOL.BAS for a long time, and finally grabbed jan's because I had basically rewritten it to look like his anyways.

    It does look good, but I need a message box, not a file. I amy try and fix that..

  • This already throws up a messagebox in the code:

    If dblouttol > 0 Then 
      [COLOR="Red"][U] MsgBox "Part is BAD!" & Chr(10) & "Number of Dimensions Out of Tolerance:" & dblouttol & Chr(10) &"Features out of tolerance:" & Chr(10) & Msg ' Display the ID's that are out of tolerance[/U][/COLOR]   Set Var = objPART.GetVariableValue ("SUB_OUTTOLNUM")        'Grabs the variable SUB_OUTTOLNUM from the subroutine program
       Var.stringvalue  = dblOutTol                                      'Sets variable As number of outtol dimensions. Change this To actual CMM Name/number
       Set Var2 = objPART.getvariablevalue ("SUB_ACCEPTREJECT")  'Grabs the variable Sub_ACCEPTREJECT from the subroutine program
       var2.stringvalue = "~~4 REJECTED"                                                                       'Sets variable As Accept, As part is good
    End If

    Not only does it give you number outtol, it gives you the feature it was outtol on. The set variable lines are to put those outtol numbers into variables in my program. You can just put a ' in front of them.

    The code that makes a debug text file that Jan had has just been changed to comments, so it will not execute. There is no export to file anything.
  • Ok, I was wondering how I could use Ehines code, but get it to look for "M" axis...

    Jans is a little heavy for me and I am trying to edit and use it with 3.7 at the moment.
  • ....These are tough, it was trial and error for me to get anywhere when I started modifying Craiger's code. I'm sorry, I can't help with your existing code.
  • Hey ! Thanks for trying ! Where the heck is Craiger when you need him !!
  • Try this: Should be paste and play. I've taken out everything you don't need.

    Dim objApp As Object
    Set objApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim objPart As Object
    Set objPart = objApp.ActivePartProgram
    Dim objCmds 'As Object
    Set objCmds = objPart.Commands
    Dim objCmd 'As Object
    Dim objDimCmd As Object
    Dim dblOutTol As Long
    dblOutTol = 0
    Dim dblTotalMeas As Long
    dblTotalMeas = 0
    Dim prevIDName As String
    Dim count1
    Dim count2
    Dim prevcount1
    Dim prevcount2
    Dim prevID2Name As String 
    Dim objCmdDeviation As Double
    Dim objCmdOuttol As Double
    Dim ID As String
    Dim ID2 As String
    Dim DimensionName As String
    Dim Msg As String
    Dim cnt As Integer
    For cnt =1 To Objcmds.count  
     Set objcmd = objcmds.Item(cnt)
    If objcmd.marked = True Then   'CHECK For MARKED DIMENSIONS HERE
        If objcmd.IsDimension Then 
            Set Dimensionname = objcmd.DimensionCommand
            ID = Dimensionname.feat1          'capture the ID Name of the command that is being looked at. 
            count1 = cnt
            If ID = "" Then            'Make sure that commands always have a Name.      
                 ID = prevIDName
                 count1 = prevcount1
            End If
            prevIDName = ID       'Save the old Name just In Case the Next one is ""
            prevcount1 = count1
            ID2 = Dimensionname.feat2
            count2 = cnt
            If ID2 = "" Then
                 ID2 = prevID2Name
                 count2 = prevcount2
            End If
            PrevID2Name = ID2  
            prevcount2 = count2    
            If count1 = count2 Then       'If .feat1 And .feat2 names were found On the same Line, Then assign them both To the ID thats outtol
               ID = ID & "-" & ID2
            End If 
        End If  
            'Second Step: first possibility: hunt For legacy dimensions
            If objCmd.IsDimension And objCmd.Type<>1000 Then
                Set objDimCmd=objCmd.DimensionCommand  
                If objDimCmd.OutTol<>0 Then
                    Msg = Msg & ID & Chr(10)
                End If 'objDimCmd.OutTol<>0
            End If 'objCmd.IsDimension 
            'Third Step: second possibility: hunt For XactMeasure GD&T dimensions    
            If objCmd.Type=184 Then           'this seems To be the way To find an XactMeasure GD&T Call.
                If objCmd.gettext(LINE1_OUTTOL,1)<>"" Then   'look In Line 1 For an OUTTOL
                    If objCmd.gettext(LINE1_OUTTOL,1)<>0 Then   'If there is an OUTTOL In Line 1, is it Not zero?
                        Msg = Msg & ID & Chr(10)
                    End If 'objCmd.gettext(LINE1_OUTTOL,1)<>0
                End If 'objCmd.gettext(LINE1_OUTTOL,1)<>""
                If objCmd.gettext(LINE2_OUTTOL,1)<>"" Then   'look In Line 2 For an OUTTOL
                    If objCmd.gettext(LINE2_OUTTOL,1)<>0 Then   'If there is an OUTTOL In Line 2, is it Not zero?
                        Msg = Msg & ID & Chr(10)
                    End If 'objCmd.gettext(LINE1_OUTTOL,1)<>0
                End If 'objCmd.gettext(LINE2_OUTTOL,1)<>""
                If objCmd.gettext(LINE3_OUTTOL,1)<>"" Then   'look In Line 3 For an OUTTOL
                    If objCmd.gettext(LINE3_OUTTOL,1)<>0 Then   'If there is an OUTTOL In Line 3, is it Not zero?
                        Msg = Msg & ID & Chr(10)
                    End If 'objCmd.gettext(LINE3_OUTTOL,1)<>0
                End If 'objCmd.gettext(LINE3_OUTTOL,1)<>""
            End If 'objCmd.Type=184
         End If    'objcmd.marked = True        'End marked search here
    Next cnt  
    If dblouttol = 0 Then
       msgbox "Part is GOOD!"  
                                                                          'Sets variable As Accept, As part is good
    End If  
    If dblouttol > 0 Then 
       MsgBox "Part is BAD!" & Chr(10) & "Number of Dimensions Out of Tolerance:" & dblouttol & Chr(10) &"Features out of tolerance:" & Chr(10) & Msg ' Display the ID's that are out of tolerance                                                                  'Sets variable As Accept, As part is good
    End If  
    End Sub
  • errors...did you try and run it as posted ? When I compiled it I got
    lots of errors. Tried to adjust on my own, now I am lost...