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listbox help

I have two problems using a listbox that is populated from a text file with the following formatted text.


Problem 1, the first item is highlighted or selected automatically after the listbox is populated.
Problem 2, the last item is an "_"

I would like to have nothing highlighted or selected automatically after the listbox is populated and the last item not be an "_".
If this is not possible, I would prefer to have the last item of the listbox selected automatically.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Sub main

Dim mylist$(20)
Dim i As Integer

Open "C:\test.txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not eof(1)
Line Input #1, textline
Close #1

Begin Dialog dlglisbox 16,35,256,189,"listbox"
okbutton 204, 24, 40,14
cancelbutton 204,48,40,14
listbox 12, 24, 48, 140, mylist$(),.lstbox
text 12,12,32,8, "listbox:"
End Dialog

Dim dlg1 As dlglisbox
button = Dialog (dlg1)

End Sub
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