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auto feature ellipse ?

I'm not sure that this code is very usefull, but I enjoyed in writing it !!!!!

Sub main()
Set EX = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.sheet")
xl.Application.Workbooks.Open "C:\Tests\ellipse points creator v2.xls"
End Sub

You just have to execute the script (write the good path for the excel sheet...), then type values and save the xyz file. You import it as XYZ file and create vector points, it's done...
This version of ellipse point creator creates points regulary spaced around ellipse, the previous version did not.
It displays an error, but it works fine if you cancel it... If some one can shift this error, it will be better...Angry
  • Ask me your questions, I will try to help you...
    I found an error in a type of calculation, so I give another version !
    I saw that the Excel sheet doesn't work under Windows 7, I will try to improve this point...
    I changed the auto run, for those who doesn't like it : you just have to read "read me".
  • Ask me your questions, I will try to help you...
    I found an error in a type of calculation, so I give another version !
    I saw that the Excel sheet doesn't work under Windows 7, I will try to improve this point...
    I changed the auto run, for those who doesn't like it : you just have to read "read me".
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