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Rmeas help

I've been trying to figure out what PC-DMIS does with the RMEAS statement with the different numbers of Hits. I found some info that refers to the Rmeas with 3 hits as the "Flush/Gap" measurement. Can anyone explain the difference between the RMEAS with 1 hit versus the RMEAS with 3 hits? From analyzing the data I believe it has to do with the vector that is used when it takes the actual measurement. From what I've seen looking at data is the single hit RMEAS would be considered a "Surface/Edge" measurement where the edge is too thin to consider it having any thickness/depth.

From my own analysis it appears that the single hit version uses an approach vector that is perpendicular to the reference points vector. The vector I believe is derived by the unit vector of (|V1| X |V2|) X |V1|, where V1 is the vector on the surface point and V2 is the vector on the point being measured with RMEAS. The X represents the Cross Product function. The first cross product is done between the 2 vectors to obtain a vector normal to the 2 vectors. The cross product of the resulting vector & the surface vector then gives you a vector that is perpendicular to the surface vector V1, but in the same plane as V2.

Does anyone know what the 3 hit version does?

F(F0954M009B) = FEAT/POINT,CART,2531.99,860.834,605.15,0.0437,0.9651,0.2584
  MEAS/POINT, F(F0954M009B), 1

F(G0954M009B) = FEAT/POINT,CART,2524.03,857.084,605.007,0.9667,-0.2002,-0.1595
  RMEAS/POINT, F(G0954M009B), 1, FA(F0954M009B)
  • I'll have to study that one. You are correct, Images must be resized when you upload them and it really degrades them. I believe I can read this well enough though.

    The section that shows what they are measuring using the edge check is an extreme sample of trying to use the wrong tool for the job. We have trim edges and hem edges that they use this on which are fine if set up properly. They also attempt to use it on Flush/Gap points. I was not here when they started doing this. It has been going on here for years. I'm just trying to understand this the best I can so I can make an argument that we need to change some of the things we are doing. You have been around long enough to know how difficult it is to "Change" a process. Especially if it has been automated and everyone believes that it is being done correctly because the automation could not possibly be wrong.

    Thanks again for you time and efforts helping me understand this better.

  • I'll have to study that one. You are correct, Images must be resized when you upload them and it really degrades them. I believe I can read this well enough though.

    The section that shows what they are measuring using the edge check is an extreme sample of trying to use the wrong tool for the job. We have trim edges and hem edges that they use this on which are fine if set up properly. They also attempt to use it on Flush/Gap points. I was not here when they started doing this. It has been going on here for years. I'm just trying to understand this the best I can so I can make an argument that we need to change some of the things we are doing. You have been around long enough to know how difficult it is to "Change" a process. Especially if it has been automated and everyone believes that it is being done correctly because the automation could not possibly be wrong.

    Thanks again for you time and efforts helping me understand this better.

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