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Calculation of a radius for TP

If you wannt to assign a TP radius without changing of workplane (when there's an angle, for example), you can try it :
1st : ASSIGN\V1=SQRT(DOT(CIRC1.XYZ-CIRC1.TXYZ,CIRC1.XYZ-CIRC1.TXYZ)) which gives you the 3D distance between the measured and the theo.
2nd : ASSIGN\V2=V1*SIN(DEG2RAD(ANGLEBETWEEN(CIRC1.XYZ-CIRC1.TXYZ,PL1.IJK)))*CROSS(CROSS(CIRC1.XYZ-CIRC1.TXYZ,PL1.IJK),PL1.IJK) which gives you the offsets XYZ in PL1 of projected center of measured CIRC1.
3rd : ASSIGN\V3=SQRT(DOT(V2,V2)) that gives the radius of TP.

You can also use it only to project any point on a plane.

Personnally, I use it to determine defects of calibration of the CMM-V by ignoring auto-focus error in the direction of the probe (PROBEDATA("vector"))...Slight smile
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